Gemmell, David – Morningstar

‘I was thinking of my father.’ I told her then of the unhappiness of my childhood, and the story of the great fire that all but destroyed the estate.

‘Do you still think you hate him, Owen?’No, but his treatment of me still causes me pain. The memories are jagged and sharp.’You are much like him.’You misread me, Megan. He is a warrior, a killer, a knight. I am none of these things, nor would wish to be.’What do you wish to be?’I looked out at the night sky, considering her question. ‘I would like to be content, Megan. Happy. I have known in the woods moments of genuine joy, like when Piercollo sang or when Mace brought the treasure back to the people. But not the happiness I dream of.’And what would bring it to you?’I do not know. Love, perhaps? A family and a quiet home? Fame? To be known as the greatest bard in the Angostin kingdoms?’

‘These will not bring you what you seek,’ she told me, her voice soft.

‘No? How can you be sure?’There is a man you must first find. He will give you the answers.’He would need to be a great teacher, this man. Who is he?’You will know him when you meet him,’ she answered. ‘Is your father still alive?’I shrugged. ‘I have no knowledge of his affairs. I have not contacted my family for more than six years. But, yes, I would think he is still alive. He was strong as an ox and would now be only forty-two years of age.’When this is over, Owen, seek him out.’For what purpose?’To tell him you love him.’I wanted to laugh in her face, to ram home the stupidity of her words. But I could not. And anger flared in me then, a hot silent fury that was washed away by the sudden tears stinging my eyes.

Chapter Six

I wept and Megan moved alongside me, her arms around me. ‘Let it go, Owen. Release it.’ My head dropped to her shoulder, my eyes squeezed shut and painful sobs racked my frame. At last I felt the cool breeze upon my back and sensed the coming of the dawn. Pulling back from her, I forced a smile. ‘I am ashamed of myself, wailing like a child.’ ‘Where there is pain there is often a tear or two.’ ‘Yes, but the pain is gone now, back to whence it came, locked away. Where do we go today?’We find Mace,’ she told me. ‘But first let us view the enemy.’ Moving back from me, she watched the sun rise behind a bank of cloud that turned to gold before my eyes, the sky around it turquoise and blue. I felt my soul swell at the beauty of it. Slowly the sun rose through the golden cloud and its rays pierced the flesh of vapour, spearing down to strike the rock-face and the cave, illuminating the rear wall.

Megan gestured with her right hand. The wall shimmered, flattened, glowed . . . and disappeared, becoming a window that looked down upon a long hall. There were flags and pennants hung from poles on both sides of the hall, and a long table that ran down its centre. At the head of the table sat Azrek, eyes downcast and expression brooding. His fist crashed down upon the wood and a golden goblet was sent spinning to the floor. ‘I want him dead. I want his death to be hard.’ ‘We are seeking him now, my lord,’ came a voice, but the speaker was not in view. ‘Send out the Six.’I shall see that they are fed and then released, lord.’ ‘No!’ stormed Azrek, rising to his feet, his pale face gleaming in the torchlight, his black hair hanging lank about his lean features. ‘I don’t want them fed. Let them feast on his heart.’ ‘Yes, sir … but. . .’ ‘But what, fool?’

‘They are hungry.They will need to eat before they track down the Morningstar.’Then let them hunt their meat in the forest. There is plenty there. Succulent meat. Highland delicacies.’ Azrek laughed, the sound echoing through the hall and whispering out into the cave. The unseen servant departed and we heard the door close, then creak open moments later.

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Categories: David Gemmell