Ludlum, Robert – The Janson Directive

to the soul, yet this man had no soul. Certainly not anymore.

Janson jammed the Ruger into his own shoulder holster. Using a small pocket

mirror, he adjusted his beard and kaffiyeh and made sure there were no visible

bloodstains on his person. Then he walked out of the chapel and into the General

Assembly Hall, where he stood near the back.

For years he had fantasized about killing the man who had killed his wife. Now

he had done so.

And all he felt was sick.

The black-haired man stood at the podium, giving a speech about the challenges

of a new century. Janson’s eyes searched every hollow and contour. He looked

like Peter Novak. He would be accepted as Novak. Yet he lacked the sense of

command associated with the legendary humanitarian. His voice was thin,

wavering; he seemed slightly nervous, out of his depth. Janson knew what the

consensus would be afterward: Very fine speech, of course. Yet poor Mr. Novak

was a bit under the weather, was he not?

“Half a century ago,” the man at the podium was saying, “the very ground under

our feet, the land of the entire United Nations complex, was donated to the U.N.

by the Rockefellers. The history of private assistance for this most public of

missions goes to the origins of the institution. If I can, in my own small way,

provide such assistance, I would be profoundly gratified. People talk about

‘giving back to the community’: my own community has always been the community

of nations. Help me to help you. Show me how I can be of greatest assistance. To

do so would be my pleasure, my honor—indeed, nothing less than my duty. The

world has been very good to me. My only hope is that I can return the favor.”

The words were vintage Novak, by turns charming and hard-edged, humble and

arrogant, and, in the end, nothing short of winning. Yet the delivery was

atypically hesitant and tentative.

And only Janson knew why.

The master of escape had escaped again. How could he ever have imagined that he

might trump his great mentor? Your arms are too short to box with God, Demarest

had once told him, half joking. Still, there was an uncomfortable truth there.

The protégé was pitting himself against his mentor; the student was testing his

wits against his teacher. Only vanity had prevented him from seeing that failure

was foreordained.

As the man at the podium finished his remarks, the audience rose in a standing

ovation. What his address lacked in style of delivery, it made up for in

rhetorical appeal. Besides, on such an occasion, who could begrudge the great

man his proper due? Janson, stone-faced, walked out of the hall, and the noise

of the resounding applause quieted only when the door closed behind him.

If Demarest wasn’t at the United Nations, where was he?

The secretary-general had walked off the dais together with the clamorously

applauded speaker, and now, as a twenty-minute recess began, both would repair

to the carpeted chamber behind the hall.

Janson realized that his earpiece had been dislodged by his recent struggle; he

repositioned it and, crackling, heard snippets of dialogue. He remembered the

hidden microphone on Mathieu Zinsou’s collar bar; it was transmitting.

“No, I thank you. But I would like to have that tête-à-tête you mentioned after

all.” The voice was fuzzy but audible.

“Certainly,” Zinsou answered. His voice was nearer to the microphone and


“Why don’t we go to your office, in the Secretariat?”

“You mean now?”

“I’m rather pressed for time, I’m afraid. It’ll have to be now.”

Zinsou paused. “Then follow me. The thirty-eighth floor.” Janson wondered if the

secretary-general had added the specification for his sake.

Something was up. But what?

Janson made a dash for the eastern ramp of the General Assembly Building, and

then lumbered toward the looming Secretariat Building. His right knee twinged

with every step he took, and the bruises on his body were starting to swell and

smart—the Anuran’s blows had been not only forceful but well aimed. Yet he had

to put all of it out of his mind.

Inside the Secretariat lobby, he flashed the ID card that had been prepared for

him, and a guard waved him through. He pressed the button for the thirty-eighth

floor, and rode up. Mathieu Zinsou and Alan Demarest’s agent, whoever he was,

would be following him within minutes.

As he rode up to the top of the skyscraper, the transmission to his earpiece

fuzzed out. The metal of the elevator shaft was blocking off the signal.

A minute later, the elevator stopped at the thirty-eighth floor. Janson

remembered the floor plan: The elevator banks were in the midpoint of the long,

rectangular floor. The offices of the undersecretaries and special deputies were

lined against the west-facing wall; to the north were two large, windowless

conference rooms; to the south, a narrow, windowless library. The

secretary-general’s teak-lined office was along the east wall. Because of the

special meeting, the floor was almost entirely vacant; every staff member was

doing duty attending to the visiting delegations.

Now Janson removed his headdress and his beard and waited around the corner from

where the elevator banks opened. Sheltered by the recessed doorway leading to

the library, he would be able to monitor both the hallway to the

secretary-general’s office and the elevator banks.

He knew he would not be waiting long.

The elevator chimed.

“And this will be our floor,” said Mathieu Zinsou as the elevator doors opened.

He made an after-you-my-dear-Alphonse gesture to the man who looked, for all the

world, like Peter Novak.

Could Janson have been correct? Zinsou wondered. Or was the strain finally

getting to the American operative, a man whom circumstances had given

responsibilities far greater than any man should have to shoulder?

“You have to forgive us—almost everybody who normally staffs my office here is

in the General Assembly Building. Or somewhere else altogether. The annual

meeting of the General Assembly is like a bank holiday for some U.N. employees.”

“Yes, I’m aware of this,” his companion said tonelessly.

As Zinsou opened the door to his office, he startled as he saw the figure of a

man seated behind his own desk, silhouetted by the ebbing light.

What the hell was happening?

He turned to his companion: “I don’t know what to say. It seems we have an

unexpected visitor.”

The man at Zinsou’s desk rose and stepped toward him, and Zinsou gaped in


The helmet of thick black hair, only lightly flecked with gray, the high, almost

Asiatic cheekbones. A face the world knew as Peter Novak’s.

Zinsou turned to the man at his side.

The same face. Essentially indistinguishable.

Yet there were differences, Zinsou reflected, just not physical ones. Rather,

they were differences of affect and mien. There was something hesitant and

cautious about the man by his side: something implacable and imperious about the

man before him. The marionette and the marionette master. Zinsou’s whirling

sense of vertigo was lessened only by the recognition that Paul Janson had

guessed right.

Now the man at Zinsou’s side handed an envelope to the man who could have been

his mirror image.

A subtle nod: “Thank you, Laszlo,” said the man who had been waiting for them.

“You may go now.”

The impostor by Zinsou’s side turned and left without so much as a word.

“Mon cher Mathieu,” said the man who stayed behind. He held out a hand. “Mon

très cher frère.”


Janson heard Zinsou’s voice distinctly in his earpiece: “My God.” At the same

time, he saw the Peter Novak who was not Peter Novak press the down elevator


He was leaving.

In Janson’s earpiece, another man’s voice: “I must apologize for the confusion.”

Janson raced to the elevator and stepped in. The man who was not Peter Novak

wore an expression that was startled—but devoid of recognition.

“Who are you really?” Janson demanded.

The suited Iran’s response was glacial and dignified: “Have we met?”

“I simply don’t understand,” said the secretary-general.

The other man was magnetic, utterly confident, utterly relaxed. “You’ll have to

forgive me for taking very special precautions. That was my double, as you’ve no

doubt figured out by now.”

“You sent a double in your place?”

“You’re familiar with the role played by the ‘morning Stalin,’ are you not? The

Soviet dictator would send a look-alike to make certain public appearances—it

kept his enemies on their toes. I’m afraid that there had been rumors of an

assassination attempt in the General Assembly. Credible reports from my security

staff. I couldn’t risk it.”

“I see,” Zinsou said. “But you know, of course, that the Russian prime minister,

the premier of China, many others, also have enemies. And they’ve addressed the

General Assembly. The U.S. president himself has honored us with his presence

today. This institution has an unbroken record of security, at least on this

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Categories: Robert Ludlum