Ludlum, Robert – The Janson Directive

But that was not an option.

Only he survived.

And in some calculating part of his mind, a clockwork mechanism spooled with a

hard, icy rage. He had taken arms against a compound of fanatics, only to

succumb to something far more diabolical. Outrage infused his soul with a near

cryogenic frost. Emotions like despondency and grief had to give way before a

larger emotion, an absolute and unyielding thirst for justice, and it was that

emotion that commanded him not to succumb to the other emotions. He was the one

left alive—left to find out what had just happened.

And why.



Washington, D.C.

“The prime directive here is secrecy,” the man from the Defense Intelligence

Agency said to the others in the room. With his thick, dark eyebrows, broad

shoulders, and brawny forearms, he had the look of someone who worked with his

hands; in fact, Douglas Albright was an intensely cerebral man, given to

brooding and deliberation. He held a Ph.D. in comparative politics and another

graduate degree in the foundations of game theory. “Secrecy is priority number

one, two, and three. There should be no confusion about that.”

Such confusion was unlikely, for the imperative even accounted for the unlikely

venue for the hastily convened meeting. The Meridian International Center was

located on Crescent Place, just off Sixteenth Street on Meridian Hill. A blandly

handsome building in the neoclassical style that was the architectural lingua

franca of official Washington, it was anything but eye-catching. Its charms were

discreet and had much to do with its curious status as a building that was not

owned by the federal government—the center billed itself a nonprofit educational

and cultural institution—but was almost entirely devoted to very private

government functions. The center had an elegant front entrance of carved oak; of

greater importance was the side entrance, accessible from a private driveway,

which enabled dignitaries to arrive and depart without attracting notice. Though

it was just a mile from the White House, the center had significant advantages

for certain meetings, especially interdepartmental conclaves that had no formal

justification. Meetings here did not involve the paper trail that was

necessitated by the security procedures at the White House, the Old Executive

Office Building, the Pentagon, or any of the intelligence agencies. They could

take place without leaving behind any telltale logs or records. They could take

place without ever, officially, having taken place at all.

The five gray-faced men who sat around the small conference table were all in

similar lines of work, and yet, given the structure of governmental agencies,

they would never have had cause to meet in the ordinary course of things.

Needless to say, the program that had brought them all together in the first

place was far from ordinary, and the circumstances they now faced were quite

possibly cataclysmic.

Unlike their titular superiors, they were not political appointees; they were

lifers, tending to programs that extended far beyond the duration of any

particular administration. They liaised with, and reported to, the men and women

who shuttled in and out in four-year cycles, but the horizons of their

responsibilities, as they conceived them, extended much further.

Sitting opposite the DIA man, the deputy director of the National Security

Agency had a high scrubbed forehead and small, pinched features. He prided

himself on maintaining an outward air of serenity, no matter what the

circumstances. That air of serenity was now close to fraying, and with it his

pride. “Secrecy, yes—the nature of the directive is clear,” he said quietly.

“The nature of our subject is not.”

“Paul Elie Janson,” said the State Department undersecretary, who was, on paper,

the director of that department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He had

not spoken for some time. A smooth-faced, athletic man with tousled,

straw-colored hair, he was lent gravitas by heavy black-framed glasses. The

undersecretary was a survivor, the other men knew. And because he was a

survivor, they took careful note of the way he positioned himself on the issues.

“Janson was one of ours, as you know. The documents you’ve got on him are

lightly redacted. Apologies for that—that’s the way they come out of the files,

and we didn’t have much prep time. Anyway, I think they give you the general


“One of your goddamn killing machines, Derek, that’s what he is,” said Albright,

glowering at the undersecretary. Despite Albright’s high administrative rank, he

had spent a career in analysis, not operations, and he remained an analyst to

the core of his being. The ingrained mistrust that men of his ilk had toward

their counterparts in operations was too often justified. “You create these

soulless pieces of machinery, loose them on the world, and then leave someone

else to clean up the mess. 1 just don’t understand what kind of game he’s


The man from State flushed angrily. “Have you considered the possibility that

someone is running a game on him?” A hard stare: “Jumping to conclusions could

be dangerous. I’m not willing to stipulate that Janson is a renegade.”

“The point is, we can’t be certain,” the NSA man, Sanford Hildreth, said after a

while. He turned to the man seated next to him, a computer scientist who, as a

young man, had earned a reputation as a wunderkind, when he almost

single-handedly redesigned the primary intelligence database for the CIA. “Is

there some data set we’re overlooking, Kaz?”

Kazuo Onishi shook his head. Educated at Cal Tech, he had grown up in Southern

California and retained a slight Valley accent that made him seem looser than he

was. “I can tell you we’ve had anomalous activities, potential breaches of

security firewalls. What I can’t do is identify the perpetrator. Not yet,


“Say you’re correct, Derek,” Hildreth went on. “Then my heart goes out to him.

But absolutely nothing can compromise the program. Doug’s right—that’s the prime

directive. Absolute and unyielding. Or we might as well kiss Pax Americana

good-bye. It almost doesn’t matter what he thought he was doing. All we can say

is that this fellow Janson doesn’t know what in the world he’s blundered into.”

He raised his coffee cup to his mouth and took a sip, hoping nobody noticed the

tremor of his hand as he returned it to the saucer. “And he’s never going to

know.” The words were more declaration than observation.

“That much I’ll accept,” the man from State said. “Has Charlotte been briefed?”

Charlotte Ainsley was the president’s National Security Advisor and the

principal White House liaison.

“Later today,” said the NSA man. “But do you see any supportable alternatives?”

“Just at the moment? He’s blundered into quicksand. We couldn’t help him if we

wanted to.”

“It’ll go easier if he doesn’t struggle,” the DIA analyst said.

“No argument here,” said Derek Collins. “But he will, if I know my man.


“Then extreme measures are going to have to be taken,” the analyst said. “If the

program gets burned, if even one percent of it gets exposed, it doesn’t just

destroy us, it destroys everything anybody here cares about. Everything. The

past twenty years of history gets rolled back, and that’s a pie-in-the-sky,

win-the-lottery, best-case scenario. The likelier outcome looks a hell of a lot

more like another world war. Only this time, we lose.”

“Poor bastard,” said the deputy director of the NSA, paging through the Janson

files. “He’s in way over his head.”

The undersecretary of state suppressed a shudder. “The hell of it is,” he

replied grimly, “so are we.”


The Greeks had a word for it: nefos. Smog—Western civilization’s gift to its

cradle. Trapped by the circle of mountains, set low by atmospheric inversion, it

acidified the air, speeding decay of the antiquities and irritating the eyes and

lungs of the city’s four million inhabitants. On bad days, it lay on Athens like

a noxious pall. This was a bad day.

Janson had taken a direct flight from Bombay to Athens, arriving at the East

Terminal of the Ellinikon International Airport. He felt a deadness within; he

was a besuited zombie going about his business. You were the guy with a slab of

granite where your heart’s supposed to be. If only it were so.

He had called Marta Lang repeatedly, to no avail. It was maddening. The number

she had given him would reach her wherever she was, she had told him: it would

go directly to her desk, on her private line, and if she did not pick up after

three rings, it would bounce to her cell number. It was a number only three

people had, she had stressed. And yet all it ever yielded was the electronic

purr of an unanswered line. He had dialed various regional headquarters of the

Liberty Foundation, in New York, Amsterdam, Bucharest. Ms. Lang is unavailable,

subalterns with talcum-smooth voices informed him. Janson was insistent. It was

an emergency. He was returning her call. He was a personal friend. It was a

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Categories: Robert Ludlum