Ludlum, Robert – The Janson Directive

be heading toward the vast maintenance buildings to the south of the station,

which were sheltered from casual observation. At night, heroin addicts went

there to score and shoot up; during the day, however, it was almost entirely


“Keep going, straight!” Janson yelled, jerking to full attention.

“I thought you said Centraal Station … ”

“There’s a maintenance building to the right, five hundred yards away.

Overlooking the wharves of Oosterdok. Now floor it.”

The limo powered past the parking lot of the train station and bounded down the

broken pavement of the derelict yards where, years ago, the business of the

wharves had been conducted. Most of the commercial harbors had relocated to

North Amsterdam; what remained were phantoms of brick and concrete and

corrugated steel.

A gated Cyclone fence suddenly loomed before them. Cooper stopped the car, and

Janson got out. The fence was old, the links frosted with oxide. But the knob

set, set into a large rectangular metal plate, was bright and shiny, obviously


From a distance, he heard shouts.

Frantically, Janson withdrew a small bump key from his pocket and set to work.

He positioned the very end of it into the keyway and then, in a sudden, plunging

movement, thrust the rest of it into the lock and twisted it in a single

continuous motion. The speed of that motion was crucial: the key had to be

turned before the lock’s spring pressed the top pin down.

His fingers could feel that the top pin had bounced high enough to fly beyond

the shear line, that his twist had taken advantage of the split second in which

the pin columns had bounced out of alignment. The gate was open.

He waved Cooper through and gestured for him to park the car about a hundred

yards away, behind a rusting, abandoned train car.

Janson himself raced over to the side of a huge steel shed and, flattening

himself against it, edged swiftly toward the shouts he had heard.

Finally, he could see through the dim light into the vast interior, and what he

made out sickened him.

The woman from Consular Operations was roped to a cement pillar with a thick

hawser, her clothes crudely torn off her.

“This shit is getting old fast,” she growled, but the fear beneath the bravado

was all too evident.

Before her, the giant with the glossy, puckered scar loomed. He belted her with

his hand, and her head snapped back against the concrete. He pulled out a knife

and sliced off her undergarments.

“Don’t you touch me, you son of a bitch!” she yelled.

“What are you going to do about it?” The voice was harshly guttural. The giant

laughed as he loosened his belt.

“I wouldn’t get Ratko mad if I were you,” said his companion, who held a long

thin blade that glinted even in the gloom. “He prefers ’em alive—but he’s not

that particular.”

The woman loosed a bloodcurdling shriek. Sheer animal terror? Janson suspected

that there was more to it—that she was hoping against hope that somebody might


Yet the wind and the rumble of distant barges drowned out whatever sounds might

be made.

In the gloom of the warehouse, he could make out the gleaming shape of the

powerful sedan the men had ridden in, the engine ticking as it cooled.

The man slapped her again, and then the slaps became rhythmic. The aim was not

interrogation. It was, in fact, part of a sexual ritual, Janson realized to his

horror. As the killer’s trousers dropped heavily to the floor, his organ was

silhouetted in the gloom: the woman’s death would be preceded by indignity.

Janson froze as he heard a soft Serbian-accented voice from behind him: “Drop

the gun.”

Janson whirled around and found himself face-to-face with a slender man who had

gold-rimmed glasses perched high on an aquiline nose. The man wore khaki

trousers and a white shirt, both neatly pressed. He stood very close to him and,

with a casual movement, pressed a revolver against his forehead.

It was a setup.

“Drop the gun,” the man repeated.

Janson let his pistol fall to the concrete. The steady pressure of the man’s gun

against his forehead admitted no negotiation. Another piercing scream rent the

air, this time with a quaver that signified profound terror or rage.

The man with the gold-rimmed glasses smiled grimly. “The American bitch sings.

Ratko likes to fuck them before he kills them. The screams turn him on. What is

in store for you, I’m afraid, will be far less enjoyable. As you will learn for

yourself. He’ll be finished shortly. And so will she. And so, if you are

fortunate, will you.”

“Why? For Christ’s sakes, why?” Janson demanded in a low, urgent voice.

“Such an American question, that,” the man replied. His voice was more

cultivated than the giant’s, but equally devoid of emotion. He was probably the

operation’s leader. “But we will be the ones asking questions. And if you do not

answer them to our satisfaction, you will suffer an excruciatingly painful death

before your body disappears in the waters of the Oosterdok.”

“And if I do what you ask?”

“Your death will be merciful and swift. Oh, I’m sorry. Were you hoping for more

choices?” The man’s thin lips twitched with contempt. “You Americans always want

things that aren’t on the menu, don’t you? You can never have enough choices.

Only, I am not an American, Mr. Janson. I offer you one choice. Death with

agony—or death without.” His quiet words had the effect of an icy wind.

As the woman released another ear-piercing scream, Janson contorted his face

into a look of terror. “Please,” he said, in a half whimper. “I’ll do anything …

” Janson reached into a place deep within and began to tremble visibly.

A gratified, sadistic smile came to the man with the gold-rimmed glasses.

Suddenly, Janson’s shaking knees buckled, and he dropped down two feet,

remaining perfectly erect as he bent his knees. At the same time, his right hand

shot straight up, grabbing the wrist of the man’s outstretched hand.

The man’s smile faded as Janson pulled his arm down in a powerful wrist lock,

wrenching it toward his elbow and twisting it at an acute angle. Now the man

bellowed in pain as the ligaments in his arm were strained and torn, but Janson

was relentless, taking a long step back with his left foot and pulling the

attacker to the ground. He yanked on the arm with all his strength and heard a

pop as the ball joint was dislocated from the socket. The man roared again,

agony mingling with disbelief. Janson fell on him, bringing all his weight down

on his right knee, driving it into the man’s rib cage. He could hear at least

two ribs break. The man gasped, and behind the gold-rimmed glasses, tears rushed

to his eyes. The broken ribs would make simply breathing exquisitely painful.

Roused by the nearby footfalls of his companions, the man tried to free his gun

arm, despite his dislocated joint, but Janson had it pinned between his chest

and left knee. Janson turned his right hand into a claw and clamped it around

the man’s throat, lifting and slamming his head against the ground until his

body was limp. Moments later, when Janson reared up, he had a gun in both hands—

And squeezed off two shots—one at a rough-hewn man rushing toward him with an

automatic pistol, a second at a bearded man several feet behind him, with a

submachine gun held at his side. Both slumped to the ground.

Janson strode toward where the man they called Ratko stood, only to find the

raking fire of an AKS-74 pocking the concrete floor in a storm of sparks and

micro-explosions. It had to be directed by a man on a catwalk high above, and it

created an impassable zone between Janson and Ratko—who had hastily hiked up his

trousers and was turning to face him. A .45 handgun looked small in the Serb

giant’s enormous hand.

Now Janson ducked behind a concrete pillar. As he expected, the man with the

submachine gun overhead repositioned himself to gain an angle on Janson. But in

doing so he had exposed himself. Peering around the corner, Janson caught a

fleeting glimpse of a short, stocky moonfaced man who held the AKS-74 as if it

were part of him. A brief fusillade tore into the pillar he hid behind. Janson

snaked a hand around it and squeezed off a blind shot. He heard it twang against

steel-pipe railing and knew he had missed. Sudden footsteps on the steel catwalk

helped him locate the man in space, however, and he squeezed off three more


Each one missed. Damn—what had he expected? And yet he could not visually locate

the man with the assault weapon without exposing himself to his deadly fire.

Light briefly flooded the dim warehouse as somebody opened a side door.

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Categories: Robert Ludlum