Ludlum, Robert – The Janson Directive

know,” he said.

As the zero hour grew near, an unspoken sense of anxiety mounted. They had taken

what precautions they could. The aircraft was fully blacked out, with no lights

and nothing that might reflect light from another source. Sitting on canvas

slings near the plane’s greasy ramp, Katsaris and Janson followed the same rule;

they wore nothing reflective. As they approached the drop zone, they put on full

black-nylon combat garb, including face paint. To have done so too far in

advance would have been to risk overheating. Their equipment-laden vests looked

lumpy beneath the flight suit, but there was no alternative.

Now came the first great improbability. He and Katsaris had three thousand jumps

between them. But what would be required tonight was beyond anything they had


Janson had been pleased with himself when he first had the insight that the

compound’s sole point of vulnerability was directly overhead—that the one

possibility of an undetected arrival would be from the night sky to the center

of the courtyard. Whether there was a serious chance of accomplishing this, on

the other hand, remained purely conjectural.

To arrive undetected, they would have to fall to the ground, silently, through

the starless, moonless night that the monsoon season would provide. The

satellite weather maps confirmed that at four o’clock in the morning, and

extending through the next hour, the cloud cover would be total.

But they were men, not action figures. To succeed, they would have to land with

extraordinary precision. To make things worse, the same weather system that

provided cloud cover also provided unpredictable winds—another enemy of

precision. Under ordinary circumstances, any one of these complications would

have led Janson to abort a jump.

It was, in too many ways, a shot in the dark. It was also the only chance Peter

Novak had.

Honwana opened the hatch at the altitude they had agreed upon: twenty thousand

feet. At that altitude, the air would be frigid, perhaps thirty below zero. But

exposure to those temperatures would be relatively brief. Goggles, gloves, and

the tight-fitting swimming-cap-like helmets they wore would help, as would their

nylon flight suits.

It was another reason they wanted to release off the water, more than a lateral

mile from the Stone Palace. As they descended, they would want to be able to

discard items like the rip-cord handle and their gloves, and to do so with the

assurance that these items would not come raining down over their target like so

many warning leaflets.

The high-altitude release would also give them more time to maneuver themselves

into position—or to get themselves hopelessly out of position. Without physical

rehearsal, it was impossible to know whether this was the right decision. But a

decision had to be made, and Janson made it.

“OK,” Janson said, standing before the open hatch. “Just remember. This isn’t

exactly going to be a hop-and-pop. Time to play follow-the-leader.”

“No fair,” Katsaris said. “You always get to go first.”

“Age before beauty,” Janson grunted as he made his way down the four-foot

aluminum ramp.

Then he leaped out into the inky skies.


Blasted by the aircraft’s powerful slipstream, whipsawed by icy crosscurrents,

Janson struggled to keep his limbs properly aligned. Free fall, it was called,

and yet it did not feel like falling. Surrendering to gravity, he felt perfectly

still—felt himself to be immobile in the face of powerful, loudly whistling

winds. Moreover, free fall, in this case, would have to be anything but free.

Four miles below him was a heaving ocean. If he were to achieve the necessary

trajectory, almost every second of his fall would have to be carefully

controlled. If the next two minutes did not go as planned, the mission would be

over before it had begun.

Yet the turbulence made control difficult.

Almost immediately, he found himself buffeted by the wind, and then he began to

spin, slowly at first and then faster. Dammit! He was overcome by paralyzing

vertigo and a growing sense of disorientation. A deadly combination at this


Facedown, he arched hard, spreading out his arms and legs. His body stopped

spinning, and the vertigo abated. But how much time had elapsed?

In ordinary free fall, terminal velocity was reached at about 110 miles per

hour. Now that he had stabilized, he needed to slow the descent as much as

possible. He moved into spider position, keeping his limbs spread out and

rounding his spine into a C. All the while, the freezing winds, seemingly

angered by his efforts to harness them, whipped at his rig, equipment, and

clothing and burrowed behind his goggles and flight cap. His gloved fingers felt

as if they had been injected with Novocain. Slowly, he moved his right wrist

toward his face, and he peered through his goggles at the large, luminous

displays of the altimeter and the GPS unit.

It was high-school math. He had to make it to the drop zone within the forty

seconds that remained. An inertial fiber gyroscope would tell him if he was

moving in the right direction; it would be less help in figuring out how to

correct his course.

He craned his head to see where Katsaris was.

There was no sign of him. That was not a surprise. What was the visibility,

anyway? Was Katsaris five hundred feet away from him? Fifty? A hundred? A


It was not an idle question: two men hurtling blindly through a dark cloud could

collide, fatally. The odds were against such a collision. But then the whole

operation itself was in defiance of any rational calculation of the odds.

If, at the end of the jump, they were off the destination point by a mere twenty

feet, the result could be disastrous. And the same cloud cover that conferred

invisibility also made a precision landing immeasurably more difficult.

Normally, a paratrooper would land on a well-marked DZ—tracer flares were

standard practice—using his vision as he tried to direct himself with the rig

toggles. To an experienced sky diver, this became a matter of instinct. But

those instincts would be little help in this case. By the time they were close

enough to the ground to see much of anything, it could very well be too late.

Instead of instinct, they would be forced to rely upon global positioning system

devices strapped to their cuffs and, in effect, play an electronic game of Marco


Thirty-five seconds. The window was closing: he had to get into delta position

as soon as possible.

Janson swept his arms back and steered himself with his shoulders and hands. No

good: a walloping, gale-level crosscurrent struck Janson and pulled him into an

overly steep flight path. He immediately realized what had gone wrong. He was

consuming altitude swiftly. Too swiftly.

Could anything be done about it?

His only chance was to increase his drag. Yet he had to progress toward the

compound as fast as possible if he had any chance of reaching it. To do both

would be impossible.

Had he destroyed the mission only seconds into it?

It could not be.

But it could.

Lashed by icy winds, Janson found the quiet commands of expertise competing with

a din of internal recrimination. You knew this wouldn’t work; it couldn’t work.

Too many unknowns, too many uncontrollable variables. Why did you accept the

mission in the first place? Pride? Pride in your professionalism? Pride was the

enemy of professionalism: Alan Demarest had always said so, and here he spoke

the truth. Pride gets you killed. There never was a reasonable chance of

success. No sane person or responsible military branch would accept it. That’s

why they turned to you.

A quieter voice penetrated the din. Max track.

He had to move into track position. It was his own voice he heard, from decades

back, when he was training new recruits to a special SEAL team. Maximum track.

Could he do it? He had not attempted the maneuver in many years. And he had

certainly never tracked on a GPS-directed jump. Tracking meant turning one’s

body into an airfoil, with the humped profile of an airplane’s wing, so that one

actually acquired some lift. For several seconds, Janson accelerated, with his

head down and his limbs spread out slightly. He bent his arms and waist

slightly, and rolled his shoulders forward, as if preparing to kowtow; he cupped

his hands. Finally, he pulled his head back as he put his legs together,

pointing his toes like a ballet dancer.

Nothing happened. He was not tracking.

It took ten seconds of acceleration before he experienced a sense of lift and

noticed that his dive was beginning to flatten. In a max track, a human being

should be able to reach an angle of descent that was close to forty-five degrees

from vertical.

In theory.

In max track, it should be possible to move as rapidly horizontally as one was

moving vertically—so that every yard downward took one almost a yard forward,

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Categories: Robert Ludlum