Ludlum, Robert – The Janson Directive

“We’ve been through that.” Berquist glowered. “What you’re proposing amounts to

nothing less than blackmail.”

“Let’s not get sidetracked by the formalities,” Janson said blandly.

The president rose, his face tight, blinking hard. Wordlessly, he sat down

again. He had talked down recalcitrant opponents before, had directed the high

beams of his charm at the disaffected and resistant, and had brought them

around. He could do this.

“I have devoted my life to public service,” he told Janson, his rich baritone

swelling with grave sincerity. “The welfare of this country is my life. I need

you to understand that. The decisions that have been made in this room have not

been made thoughtlessly or cynically. When I was sworn into office, I took an

oath to protect and defend this nation—the same oath my father had taken twenty

years before. It is an obligation I take with utmost seriousness … ”

Janson yawned.

“Derek,” the president said, turning to the director of Consular Operations and

the one man at the table who had said nothing so far. “Talk to your guy. Make

him understand.”

Undersecretary Derek Collins removed his heavy black glasses and massaged the

reddened grooves they left on the bridge of his nose. He had the look of someone

who was about to do something he would probably regret. “I kept trying to tell

you—you don’t know this man,” Collins said. “None of you do.”

“Derek?” The president’s request was clear.

“To protect and defend,” Collins said. “Heavy words. A heavy burden. A beautiful

ideal that sometimes requires doing some ugly things. Uneasy rests the head,

right?” He looked at Janson. “There aren’t any saints in this room, make no

mistake about that. But let’s show some respect to the basic idea of democracy.

There’s one person in this room who’s gone a long way on some scraps of common

sense and some common decency. He’s a tough son of a bitch, and he’s as true a

patriot as they come, and, agree with him or not, at the end of the day, this

has to be his call … ”

“Thanks, Derek,” President Berquist said, solemn but pleased.

“I’m talking about Paul Janson,” the undersecretary finished, facing the man at

the head of the table. “And if you don’t do what he says, Mr. President, you’re

a bigger fool than your father.”

“Undersecretary Collins,” the president barked, “I’d be happy to accept your


“Mr. President,” Collins said in a level tone, “I’d be happy to accept yours.”

President Berquist froze. “Goddamn it, Janson. Do you see what you’ve done?”

Janson stared at the director of Consular Operations. “An interesting song for a

hawk,” he said with a half smile.

Then he turned to the president. “You know what they say. ‘Consider the source.’

The advice you’ve been given may say more about your advisers’ concerns than

your own. You really ought to think in terms of alignment of interests. Goes for

you, too, Mr. Secretary.” He glanced at the now queasy-looking secretary of

state and returned to Berquist. “As I said, as far as most of the people in this

room are concerned, you’re just passing through. They’ve been around before you,

they’ll be here after you. Your immediate, personal interests don’t really mean

a whole lot to them. They want you to take the ‘long view.’ ”

Berquist was silent for half a minute. He was a pragmatist at heart, and used to

making the cold, hard calculations that political survival depended upon.

Everything else was secondary to that essential arithmetic. His forehead gleamed

with sweat.

He forced a smile. “Paul,” he said, “I’m afraid this meeting got off to a bad

start. I’d really like to hear you out.”

“Mr. President,” Douglas Albright protested. “This is entirely inappropriate.

We’ve gone through this again and again, and—”

“Fine, Doug. Why don’t you tell me that you know how to nullify what Paul

Janson’s gone and done? I haven’t heard anybody here bother to address that

particular matter.”

“These aren’t comparables!” Albright stormed. “We’re talking about the long-term

interests of this geopolitical entity, not the greater glory of the second

Berquist administration! There’s no comparison! Mobius is bigger than all of us.

There’s only one right decision.”

“And what about, oh, a looming political scandal?”

“Suck it up, Mr. President,” Albright said quietly. “I’m sorry, sir. You’ve got

a decent chance of toughing it out. That’s what you politicians specialize in,

isn’t it? Cut taxes, launch a decency campaign against Hollywood, go to war in

Colombia—do whatever your pollsters say. Americans have the attention span of a

gnat. But, if you’ll forgive my directness, you cannot sacrifice this program on

the altar of political ambition.”

“Always interesting to hear what you think I can and cannot do, Doug,” Berquist

said, leaning over and squeezing the analyst’s beefy shoulders, “But I’ve think

you’ve said enough today.”

“Please, Mr. President—”

“Put a sock in it, Doug,” Berquist said. “I’m thinking here. Doing some deep

presidential-level policy revaluation.”

“I’m talking about the prospects of reengineering global polities.” Albright’s

voice rose to a squawk of indignation. “You’re just talking about your

reelection chances.”

“You got that one right. Call me a stick-in-the-mud. I kinda have a hankering

for the scenario where I’m still president.” He turned to Janson. “Your game,

your rules,” he said. “I can live with that.”

“Excellent choice, Mr. President,” Janson said neutrally.

Berquist gave him a smile that combined command and entreaty. “Now give me my

goddamn presidency back.”





By Jason Steinhardt

AMSTERDAM—In a press conference held at the Amsterdam headquarters of the

Liberty Foundation, the legendary financier and humanitarian Peter Novak

announced that he would be relinquishing control of the Liberty Foundation, the

global organization that he created and ran for more than fifteen years. Nor

would the organization have any foreseeable difficulties in funding: he also

announced that he was turning over all his capital assets to the foundation,

which would be reconstituted as a public trust. An international board of

directors would include prominent citizens from around the world, under the

chairmanship of the U.N. Secretary General, Mathieu Zinsou. “My work is done,”

Mr. Novak said, reading from a prepared statement. “The Liberty Foundation must

be greater than any one man, and my plan, all along, had been to delegate

control of this organization to a public board, with broad accountability among

its directors. As the foundation enters this new phase, transparency must be the


Reactions were generally positive. Some observers expressed surprise, but others

said they had long anticipated such a move. Sources close to Mr. Novak suggested

that the recent death of his wife had helped catalyze his decision to retire

from the operations of the foundation. Others point out that the financier’s

reclusive habits were increasingly in conflict with the xposed and highly public

position that his work at the foundation demanded. Novak was sketchy about his

future plans, but some aides suggested that he planned to remove himself from

the public eye entirely. “You won’t have Peter Novak to kick around anymore,

gentlemen,” one deputy told members of the press with cheerful irony. Yet the

mysterious plutocrat has long had a gift for the unexpected, and those who know

him best agree that it would be a mistake to count him out.

“He’ll be back,” said Jan Kubelik, the foreign minister of the Czech Republic,

who was in town for a G-7 Conference. “Depend on it. You haven’t seen the last

of Peter Novak.”


The lithe woman with the spiky brown hair lay prone and perfectly still, the

four-foot rifle braced by sandbags fore and aft. The shadows of the belfry

rendered her perfectly invisible from any distance. When she opened her nonscope

eye, the cityscape of Dubrovnik seemed oddly flattened, red-tiled roofs

scattered before her like colored faience, shards of ancient pottery. Beneath

the bell tower where she had been positioned for the past several hours, there

was a sea of faces that continued several hundred yards to the wooden platform

that had been erected in the center of Dubrovnik’s old town.

They were the faithful, the devoted. It was lost on none of them that the pope

had decided to start off his visit to Croatia by addressing an audience in a

city that had come to symbolize the suffering of its people. Though more than a

decade had passed since the Yugoslav army laid siege to the Adriatic port city,

the memory of the assault remained undimmed among the town’s citizens.

Many of them had stamp-sized laminated photographs of the beloved pontiff. It

wasn’t merely that he was someone known to be willing to speak truth to power;

it was the unmistakable radiance he had about him—charisma, yes, but also

compassion. It was typical of him that he would not merely decry violence and

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Categories: Robert Ludlum