Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

Turkower standing on the riverbank near her.

“Hang on!” he shouted, cautiously stepping

off the bank. He inched forward, the water

swirling around his knees now, then leaned

forward and stretched out his hand. Nancy

reached out and grasped it. Gerald steadied

himself, then reeled Nancy in to the bank as if

she were one of those cutthroat trout he had

talked about at lunch.

Nancy’s legs were numb and wouldn’t hold

her up. “Thanks,” she said to Gerald through

chattering teeth.

“Nancy! Are you all right?” Bess demanded,

running up.

“C-c-cold” was all Nancy could manage.

Gerald took off his fleece-lined leather jacket

and draped it around Nancy’s shoulders.

Bess turned to him. “Where did you come

from?” she asked curiously.

His eyes flickered. “I was in the woods,

taking pictures.”

Nancy looked sharply at him and struggled

to find her voice. “Was anybody with you?”

she asked after a second.

Gerald shook his head. “Come on. Nancy,

I’ll help you to your car. You need to get in and

turn the heater on full blast. How did you

happen to fall in?” he asked as they walked.

“I didn’t,” she replied. “Somebody pushed


“What?” Gerald’s face registered shock,

“Are you sure? Couldn’t you just have been


Nancy shook her head. “I distinctly felt two

hands shoving against my back. It was no

accident, take my word for it. Did you see

anything, Bess?”

“No. I’m sorry,” Bess replied on the verge of

tears. “I was looking-at the falls.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Nancy said. “You

had no reason to think somebody was going to

push me in.”

As they reached the car, Gerald told Nancy

to go back to the hotel and take a hot shower.

“I’ll drive. Nan,” Bess offered. “You relax.”

Nancy gave Bess the keys, then thanked

Gerald again for rescuing her.

“I’m glad I was there to help,” he replied,

holding the door for her.

Bess turned on the heater, and soon Nancy

stopped shivering. “It was a man who pushed

me,” she said. “As I went over the railing, I got

an impression of his hands. They were too big

and hairy to belong to a woman. Oh, Bess,”

Nancy said, interrupting herself. “Your binoc-

ulars! They must have fallen into the river with

me. I’m so sorry.”

“Do you think I care about some old binoc-

ulars when I just watched you nearly drown?”

Bess scolded.

As Bess turned into the hotel parking lot, she

continued, “Who could have pushed you?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know. In fact, I

don’t know what to think anymore.”

A large, shiny bus was stopped in front of the

hotel entrance. People were spilling out of it

onto the sidewalk.

“Look, Nancy,” Bess said excitedly, point-

ing out the bus, which said Randy Dean Pro-

ductions. “Do you think Randy’s with them?”

she asked.

Nancy smiled. “I doubt if a big star like

Randy Dean would arrive on a bus,” she said.

“He’s probably coming by private helicopter.”

“I guess you’re right,” Bess said, parking the

car. “Come on, let’s get you inside and warm.”

Nancy’s legs felt like lead as she climbed the

steps to the hotel lobby. “All I want to do is lie

down in a warm tub and soak for a month or

two,” she announced as Bess unlocked the

door to their room.

Bess gave her a concerned look. “Are you

sure you don’t want to see a doctor?”

“I’m sure,” Nancy replied firmly. “After a

hot bath and a little rest, I’ll be as good as


At Bess’s urging, the girls had dinner in their

room. As the waiter took away the tray, Bess

gave Nancy a close look and said, “You look a

lot better. You may not be up for an evening of

square dancing, but at least you can sit and


“You really think I ought to go?” Nancy


Bess was now standing in front of the mir-

ror, smoothing the waist of her knee-length

denim skirt. “You want to see Ned, don’t


“Of course I do,” Nancy replied, then

paused. “But I don’t know what to say to


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Categories: Keene, Carolyn