Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

which is near here. He hit me, and when I

came to I was in this cabin.”

Jack returned with Piker. “Okay, let’s go,”

he said, and grabbed Trainey by the front of

his shirt and pulled him to his feet. Nancy

managed to stand up on her own.

To distract Jack, she asked, “Were you the

one who pushed me off the platform and tried

to run me off the road?”

“Not guilty,” he replied. “That was Rich-

ard. He knocked out your boyfriend, too. Ned

walked in while Richard was stealing the tran-


“You’re a real bunch of creeps,” Trainey

lashed out.

“Calm down, professor,” Jack told him. “I

gave you all plenty of warnings. I even put a

note on Nancy’s windshield. Why didn’t you

pay attention? It’s all your own fault. Okay,

Piker, grab that roll of tape and a flashlight.”

“Where are you taking us?” Nancy asked as

Jack shoved her and Trainey toward the door.

“I want to show you one of Yellowstone’s

natural wonders,” he replied blandly, taking

the pistol from his belt.

He and Piker forced them to march up the

hill behind the cabin while Richard walked off

toward the truck. The fog had thickened. Even

with the flashlight, it was impossible to see

more than a few yards ahead.

They reached the crest of the hill and started

down. At the foot of it. Nancy stopped abrupt-

ly. Just ahead was a large crack in the earth, a

dark, ominous ribbon snaking its way across

the ground.

“What’s that?” Nancy asked Trainey, trying

to hide the fright she felt.

“It looks like a runoff fissure,” Trainey said.

“Every geyser has one. It’s the path the heated

water takes after being shot into the air. It

comes down the side of the geyser cone, col-

lects, and runs along the fissure to under-

ground pools.”

“Exactly, Professor,” Jack said.

While Jack held the gun. Piker taped

Nancy’s ankles together, then picked her up

and wedged her down into the fissure. Trainey

was lowered next to her.

“Come on. Piker,” Jack said. “We’ve got to

finish loading the truck. Let’s get out of here.”

“Wait,” Nancy cried, but there was no

response. “Professor Trainey?” she asked.

“What’s going to happen?”

Trainey’s voice was grave. “If I have my

bearings right, the water from Princess Geyser

takes this path down the hill.” He stared at

Nancy. “It erupts every two hours or so.”

“You mean this fissure could fill up with

boiling water soon?”

Trainey closed his eyes. “That’s right.”

A sudden hissing noise broke the silence.

Nancy gasped. It was the geyser! Any minute

they’d be scalded to death!

Chapter Fifteen

Nancy shut her eyes and concentrated on

rubbing the ropes on her wrist against a rough

place on the fissure wall. Was it her imagina-

tion or could she feel one of them give just a


Besides her, Trainey groaned.

She twisted her right arm, trying to get

added leverage against the rope. She was sure

that her skin was raw by now.

The hissing grew louder. Nancy saw the

glitter of reflected moonlight on rushing water

below where she was wedged. Damp steam

rose and enveloped her. With a desperate

yank, she managed to pull one hand out of the

looped rope, then free the other. She let the

rope fall.

“Listen, Professor, I’ve got my hands free.

I’m going to try to climb out, then pull you to


“Good luck,” Trainey said.

Nancy noticed the rotten egg smell of sul-

phur. Her eyes were stinging. Cautiously, she

brought her arms around in front of her and

pressed her palms against the opposite wall of

the fissure, then moved her knees up a couple

of inches.

“We’re running out of time,” Trainey

gasped. “The water is rising too quickly.”

“I know.” Nancy patiently worked her

knees and hands upward. Her arm and leg

muscles threatened to cramp, but at last one

hand touched the top of the fissure. She

grabbed hold, then quickly twisted, swinging

her other hand to the other lip, just above

where her head had been. Before her lower

body could slide down into the crevice, she

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn