Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

“You must think I’m a real idiot, falling for

such a total phony. He was faking his interest

in me the whole time, wasn’t he?”

Nancy shook her head. “He’s very convinc-

ing,”-she said. “And maybe he is sincere in a

way. He may be one of those guys who doesn’t

feel good about himself unless he’s got some-

body falling in love with him. So he convinces

himself that the lines he’s passing out are


Bess straightened up, then put on a smile.

“Believe me, from now on I’m staying away

from him.”

“Come on, Bess,” Nancy said to change the

subject. “This is the perfect opportunity to

search Trainey’s tent.”

Bess became alarmed. “But he might come

back at any time!”

“You can stand outside and keep watch.”

“Well-okay,” Bess said reluctantly.

The two girls walked across the campground

that was half packed already. Nancy looked at

the piles of boxes with a feeling of urgency. She

had to get to the bottom of things before time

ran out.

While Bess stood guard in front of Trainey’s

tent. Nancy slipped inside. There was a sleep-

ing bag spread out atop an army cot, a single,

well-worn suitcase, and a folding table with a

laptop computer. Nancy knelt down and

opened the suitcase, but all it contained were

clean, neatly folded clothes. She turned her

attention to a few papers next to the computer,

which turned out to be notes for a report on

the project.

Trainey’s green coat and floppy green hat

were lying on the cot. Nancy picked them up

and felt through the coat pockets. In the inside

pocket was an envelope that contained a single

photograph. It was too dark to make it out. She

put the coat and hat back the way they had

been and hurried outside.

“What is it?” Bess demanded. “Did you find


“Yes, this picture.” In the bright sunshine, it

was easy to distinguish the figure of a person in

a green coat and green hat walking out of the

hut by feeding station 1. The hat and coat were


Bess flashed her friend a puzzled look.

“What’s so important about this picture?”

Nancy pointed. “Look at the date and time

at the bottom.”

Bess read, then counted on her fingers.

“Nancy!” she exclaimed. “That was just be-

fore the propane stove exploded. That proves

it! Trainey caused Brad’s accident!”

Chapter Thirteen

This picture is proof. Nancy,” Bess re-

peated. “Trainey had to have tampered with

the stove.”

“I’m not positive, Bess,” Nancy said. “The

picture’s too blurry. It could be anybody wear-

ing that hat and coat, and if it is Trainey, why

would he keep such an incriminating picture?

Why not destroy it?”

Bess gave the photograph back to Nancy. “I

don’t know.”

“And besides,” Nancy continued, “it seems

likely that this is the picture that made Trainey

so upset. What if this isn’t Trainey? When he

saw it, he must have realized that somebody

was trying to frame him. He may even have

figured out who.”

Nancy scrutinized the photograph. The flop-

py hat and turned-up collar of the coat made

an effective disguise. All that showed of the

person’s face was one cheek and part of the


Frustrated, she was about to put the photo

away when she noticed a small white spot on

the person’s nose. She studied it closely but

couldn’t tell what it was. It could just be a

speck of dust on the lens of the enlarger.

She slipped the photo into her pocket just as

she heard Ned, Jennifer, and Alicia come

down the path from the feeding station.

“Welcome to Camp Marmotville,” Alicia


“Thanks,” Nancy replied. “How’s it going?”

“We’ve got the packing under control,” Jen-

nifer said. “Hey, you haven’t seen my dad,

have you?”

“He left here in a Jeep about forty-five

minutes ago,” Bess reported.

Jennifer frowned. “Huh. He was supposed

to meet us up the hill, but he never showed up.

I think I’ll check the other feeding stations.

Maybe a problem came up.” She walked off

toward the road.

“Are those maintenance guys around to-

day?” Nancy asked.

“I haven’t seen them,” Ned replied.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn