Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

to Bess. He had removed the bandage. “This

little fellow’s ready to be set free,” he said.

A stricken look appeared on Bess’s face. “So


“It’s time,” Trainey said firmly.

“Oh.” Bess turned away from her friends.

Nancy could see she was fighting back tears.

“We have to do it, Bess,” she said softly. “He

belongs in the wild.”

Randy joined the group. “I have a great

idea,” he said to Bess. “Why don’t you release

your little marmot as part of my show?”

Bess’s eyes widened. “Me? On television?”

Randy nodded. “We’ll release him together.

It’ll be a great sequence.”

Bess was too stunned to speak. Then she

looked down at herself and shrieked. “I’ve got

to change my clothes!”

Nancy laughed as Bess placed Spike in his

cage, turned, and ran down the hill to their

tent. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bess move

that quickly,” she said.

“Thanks for everything you’ve done. Nan-

cy,” Trainey said. “You’ve helped make this

study a success and saved my reputation.”

“You’re welcome,” Nancy replied. “What

about the last stage of the project?”

Trainey sighed. “That part’s not as success-

ful. We can retag the marmots you recovered,

but unless we can raise more money, the study

ends right now.”

Nancy smiled. “Would five thousand dollars

help?” she asked.

Trainey stared at her.

“I’m donating my reward money to the

project,” Nancy explained.

“That’s very generous. Nancy,” Trainey re-

plied. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, Professor, I know you’ll put it to good


Ned put his arm around Nancy’s shoulders.

“Thanks, Nan.”

“Say,” Alicia said with a broad smile. “May-

be you and Bess could come back in August

and help us with the last phase of the study.”

“I’d love to,” Nancy said, “but I don’t know

if I’m brave enough.”

“Why?” Alicia asked. “Are you afraid of


Nancy shook her head. “No. I’d be too

afraid to tell Bess that she has to camp out!”

Nancy’s next case:

Nancy has come to Tokyo to attend the tradi-

tional Japanese wedding of a former exchange

student, her friend Midori Kato. But the joyous

occasion suddenly takes a dark and disturbing

turn. For on the very day of the ceremony, the

guests-anxiously awaiting Midori’s arrival-

are greeted instead by a shocking announce-

ment: the bride has disappeared!

Did Midori have a simple change of heart or is

there a more complex-and criminal-expla-

nation? The answer comes to Nancy served on a

silver platter: a near-fatal meal of poisonous fish

intended to keep her from the truth. But with

Midori’s life at stake. Nancy refuses to back

down and is soon drawn into a tightening web of

jealousy, scandal, and deadly intrigue … in

The Runaway Bride, Case #96 in The Nancy

Drew Files®.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn