Nancy Drew Files – Case 95 – An Instinct for Trouble by Carolyn Keene

Nancy put her arms around his neck. “Oh,

Ned-I’m so glad you understand.” She

pulled his head down to hers, and their lips

met in a kiss that lasted a long time.

When they parted, Ned held her close and

ran his fingers through her hair. “Why don’t

we get our coats and go for a drive?” he said

breathlessly. “It’s a beautiful night.”

“I’d love it,” Nancy replied.

They were walking past the alcove that held

the house phones when Ned squeezed her

elbow. He put his finger to his lips and pulled

her back out of sight.

“Gerry? It’s me.” Nancy recognized Profes-

sor Trainey’s voice. She strained to make out

the words.

“Yes, I know,” she heard the professor say

into the phone. “It can’t be helped. Late

tomorrow night? Yes, the camp should

be quiet. No junior detectives to get in our


Chapter Eleven

Nancy heard Trainey hang up and then

watched him walk away.

Ned was slumped against the wall, his eyes

filled with misery. He stared at her. “You were

right about the professor all along.”

The bitterness in his voice surprised Nancy.

Her heart ached for him. “I’m sorry, Ned,”

she said, slipping her arms around him. “I kept

hoping it wasn’t him, but-”

“‘Junior detectives,'” Ned spat out. “And I

kept telling you how much he respected and

cared about his students. He thinks we’re a


“He must be pretty desperate,” Nancy

pointed out. “I don’t think he would have

gotten involved if it weren’t for his money

problems. And let’s face it-if he is involved,

our investigation must really be getting in his


Ned’s eyes widened. “If? Of course he’s

involved. You heard what he said. He’s plan-

ning something for tomorrow night. And he

was talking to Turkower!”

Nancy remained impassive. “I’ve got to

admit, that surprises me,” she began slowly.

“After what Gerald did today to save me, I was

starting to think he was okay.”

Ned was obviously confused, and Nancy

realized that she hadn’t told him about her dip

into the river. She took a deep breath and told

the whole story. “Gerald pulled me out,” she


“I just can’t believe that someone I admired

so much could be involved in something so

awful.” Ned shook his head. “Trainey is such a


Nancy stepped back. “Look, Ned. I don’t

have any real proof against the professor,

just what Brad said, so let’s not jump to

conclusions. What I really need to do is

catch the poachers in the act, and it sounds

like I might be able to do that tomorrow


Ned brightened a little. “Are you still up for

that drive?” he asked. “I know I am. I’m sick

of thinking about this mess.”

“I’ll run upstairs for my jacket,” Nancy


When she came back down dressed for the

outdoors she waved goodbye to Bess, who was

dancing in a square with Jack. Her friend gave

her a big grin, then Nancy went out to the

parking lot. It was quite chilly, and she was

glad to see that Ned had put the top up.

“Feel like looking at the moon from the

shore of Yellowstone Lake,” he asked her

softly as he started the Jeep.

On an impulse Nancy leaned over and

kissed him on the cheek.

He reached over and squeezed her hand.

“Will you forgive me for being so pigheaded?”

“I already have, Ned.”

They’d just turned onto the parkway that

ran beside the lake when Nancy said, “Ned,

look. Somebody’s in trouble.”

Parked on the opposite shoulder was a low-

slung Italian sports car. The driver was stand-

ing with a flashlight pointed under the raised


Ned pulled over and then carefully turned

around so he could light up the sports car. He

leaned out and called, “Need help?”

The driver moving toward them was very

familiar. They had both seen that face on

countless posters and CDs.

“Is that who I think it is?” Ned said to


Nancy studied the man’s liquid brown eyes

and curly, honey-colored hair. “It is. It’s Ran-

dy Dean!”

“Hi there!” Randy stopped next to Ned’s

door and leaned over to peer into the window.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn