Pyramid Scheme by Dave Freer and Eric Flint

The spiderwoman raised an eyebrow and dimpled. “Close. We’re traders. Not warriors. Fair Colophon is ruled by those who have wealth.”

McKenna shook his head. “That doesn’t sound right or fair to me.”

“Elsewhere it is rule by the nobility. In Colophon we don’t have to claim to be descended from the by-blows of philandering gods. And the result is that Colophon is rich. You must have read of us in your history?” she asked, obviously proud of her city.

McKenna was embarrassed. And also in an awkward spot. If he hadn’t heard about it, chances were the place hadn’t made much of a mark or had been wiped out. “Uh. No, but the Doc has heard of you. But it sounds like you Colophon guys would get on just fine in the States. It’s not who you are born as, but how you use your head and how hard you work.”

Arachne raised an eyebrow. “This ‘states’ you talk about. Is it several islands like this America you hail from, each state following this ‘democracy’?”

McKenna grinned. “Well, I dunno where Medea got this ‘America is an island’ story. ‘The States’ is short for ‘The United States of America.’ It’s a goddamn sight bigger than Greece. Got two hundred fifty million people.” He sighed. “I’d love to get back there. Anyway. Let’s get on with making balloons and varnish.”

“Yes. You can tell me more while we work. It sounds quite unbelievable,” she said curiously.

* * *

McKenna tramped back up the hill to the mountain meadow where the teams of spiders were weaving. He was glad to be alone with his thoughts for a bit. That was quite a kid. A real go-getter. She hadn’t let being turned into half a spider stop her. Also, well, she was having an interesting effect on him. Normally his mind was more on any pretty woman’s body, than on what she said.

Only Arachne’s body . . . well, it didn’t exactly turn him on. She had nice legs. Eight of them. But she was just at his wavelength. He could talk to her so easily. Sort of “natural.” He’d joined up to get off the farm, do a short hitch and go to college. Only he wasn’t sure what he’d do in college when he got there. So he’d ended up telling a half spider/half woman about it. They’d talked, just talked, into the small hours. Jim McKenna couldn’t remember ever doing that with any girl, ever. Maybe if Arachne had as pretty a body as she had a face, he’d never have done it with her either. But he was really glad he had. What a nice kid! If he ever met this Athena bitch . . .

Arachne was already in the field. “Hey, Mac!” There was pleasure in her voice. “I’ve got a joke for you. How many gods does it take to change a lampwick?”

* * *

After he’d finally gone to bed, so had Arachne. But sleep had been a long time coming. And finally she’d cried herself to sleep. It was the first time in a long time that another human had treated her just as if she were human. He was a bit weak in the head about business, but there was nothing that solid female sense couldn’t see him through. And he had to look like Ganymede, too! If only she’d still been the favored daughter of the great dye-master. She wanted the American. Cursed gods! She wanted him so badly her spiracles hurt. But he wouldn’t even look at her in that way. And she was revolted by the idea that, like some of her spider-sisters, she might want to eat him afterwards. She determined to avoid him henceforth as much as possible.

But when he came whistling up to the meadow the next day, she called to him with that silly joke, a joke that was old when Zeus was a boy.

He laughed. It was like daggers stabbing her heart.

“How is Henri this morning?” he asked.

She shook her head. “Still coughing, poor man. He is not looking any better. The potion Medea left for him does not seem to be helping him a great deal. He still has no real interest in food.”

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Categories: Eric, Flint