Pyramid Scheme by Dave Freer and Eric Flint

Bes was unhitching the dragons. Medea clung to Cruz’s arm. “What king can afford such palaces?”

Jerry was startled to hear Medea speaking in perfect English. Without, even, any accent.

Athena groaned. “Where am I?”

She, too, was speaking English. Somehow, Jerry realized, Medea’s language magic was still working. But he didn’t have time to figure out how, because the situation began rapidly deteriorating.

“Where am I?” repeated Athena. The goddess’ voice was becoming shrill.

Mac, his arms around Arachne, grinned nastily. “You’re in trouble. That’s where you are, you vindictive bitch. In trouble and a looong way from home. Enjoy!”

The first policeman was now at the side of the chariot. Before he could utter a word, Mac grabbed Athena by the scruff of her tunic and practically tossed her into the cops’ arms. “Arrest her, officers! She’s a kidnapper!”

The uncertainty of the policemen was immediately dispelled by Athena, who began shrieking like a lunatic and scratching at their faces. Cursing under his breath, one cop subdued her while his partner handcuffed the goddess. Former goddess, rather. Still-practicing deities don’t have their Miranda Rights read to them. . . .

Jerry looked around and realized that they were on the verge of pure chaos. And worse.

Even now, Throttler was eagerly advancing on a group of tourists, licking her chops. “Why did the chicken cross the road?” she roared.

“To get to the other side,” squeaked several of the tourists, edging back in near panic. One young lad, a brash fellow, snorted and exclaimed: “Oh, bullshit! For a fowl reason!”

Throttler’s eager expression changed to a hurt one. She looked reproachfully back at the Americans.

McKenna chuckled. “Everybody here knows that one, Throttler. Try your old standard!” The young paratrooper scanned the crowd cheerfully. “Not too many classical scholars in this bunch, I’m willing to—”

“You idiot!” hissed Cruz. “She’ll eat anybody who blows it!”

McKenna looked chagrinned. Hastily, Jerry hopped off the chariot and hurried over to Throttler. “You can’t eat people here!” he shouted.

Throttler’s scowl was truly frightening. “I’m hungry,” she roared.

“fSo are we!” bellowed Bitar and Smitar. The two dragons gave the mob their own hungry look. Bitar’s eyes fell on a very good-looking young woman at the forefront, dressed in a halter top and tight shorts.

“Ifs thifs a maiden?” he demanded.

The girl giggled. “In Las Vegas?You want Kansas, you big snake!”

The tourists packed at the front of the crowd tried to edge back further. But it was impossible. The press was becoming incredible from the streams of onlookers racing toward the scene from every direction. The traffic on the Strip was now locked solid. People were clambering out of their cars to get a better look.

Jerry was desperately trying to think of some way to forestall an impromptu slaughter when he caught sight of a burly man in an expensive-looking suit forcing his way to the front. The fellow was balding, middle-aged, and accompanied by several security guards. He had “boss” written all over him.

“Are you in charge here?” Jerry yelled.

The man more or less burst out of the crowd and came up to him. “Hank Flanders. I’m the general manager of the Luxor.” He stuck out his hand and gave Jerry a firm handshake.

Firm and very brief. The general manager’s eyes were shrewd and knowing. “I’m willing to bet you guys are that one big group of alien abductees that never came back dead. Your photographs have been all over the papers. Although—” The knowing eyes flitted rapidly over the party, spending no more time on the nude figure of Arachne than anyone else. “They didn’t do you justice.”

Jerry nodded mutely. But Flanders’ shrewd gaze was already riveted on the sphinx and the two dragons. “Can we figure you’re their agent?” he asked. “I’ll give all three of them a top contract. Work starts immediately, and for as long as the monsters are willing to sign for.”

Jerry gaped. Flanders eyed him speculatively.

Fortunately, Lamont was more quick-witted. “Everything they can eat,” he said immediately. “Starting now.”

Flanders started bellowing orders. In the chaos and confusion, logic began to return. A number of the Luxor’s employees starting racing back to the casino.

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Categories: Eric, Flint