Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

are the subject of the king of England. King Charles awaits

your return. Adieu, Villiers, — farewell.”

“Forever!” replied the young man, and he fled, endeavoring

to master his emotion.

Anne leaned her head upon her hands, and then looking at

herself in the glass, murmured, “It has been truly said,

that a woman who has truly loved is always young, and that

the bloom of twenty years ever lies concealed in some secret

cloister of the heart.”


King Louis XIV. does not think Mademoiselle de la

Valliere either rich enough or pretty enough for a

Gentleman of the Rank of the Vicomte de Bragelonne

Raoul and the Comte de la Fere reached Paris the evening of

the same day on which Buckingham had held the conversation

with the queen-mother. The count had scarcely arrived, when,

through Raoul, he solicited an audience of the king. His

majesty had passed a portion of the morning in looking over,

with Madame and the ladies of the court, various goods of

Lyons manufacture, of which he had made his sister-in-law a

present. A court dinner had succeeded, then cards, and

afterwards, according to his usual custom, the king, leaving

the card-tables at eight o’clock, passed into his cabinet in

order to work with M. Colbert and M. Fouquet. Raoul entered

the ante-chamber at the very moment the two ministers

quitted it, and the king, perceiving him through the

half-closed door, said, “What do you want, M. de


The young man approached: “An audience, sire,” he replied,

“for the Comte de la Fere, who has just arrived from Blois,

and is most anxious to have an interview with your majesty.”

“I have an hour to spare between cards and supper,” said the

king. “Is the Comte de la Fere at hand?”

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“He is below, and awaits your majesty’s permission.”

“Let him come up at once,” said the king, and five minutes

afterwards Athos entered the presence of Louis XIV. He was

received by the king with that gracious kindness of manner

which Louis, with a tact beyond his years, reserved for the

purpose of gaining those who were not to be conquered by

ordinary favors. “Let me hope, comte,” said the king, “that

you have come to ask me for something.”

“I will not conceal from your majesty,” replied the comte,

“that I am indeed come for that purpose.”

“That is well,” said the king, joyously.

“It is not for myself, sire.”

“So much the worse; but, at least, I will do for your

protege what you refuse to permit me to do for you.”

“Your majesty encourages me. I have come to speak on behalf

of the Vicomte de Bragelonne.”

“It is the same as if you spoke on your own behalf, comte.”

“Not altogether so, sire. I am desirous of obtaining from

your majesty that which I cannot ask for myself. The vicomte

thinks of marrying.”

“He is still very young; but that does not matter. He is an

eminently distinguished man, I will choose a wife for him.”

“He has already chosen one, sire, and only awaits your


“It is only a question, then, of signing the

marriage-contract?” Athos bowed. “Has he chosen a wife whose

fortune and position accord with your own anticipations?”

Athos hesitated for a moment. “His affianced wife is of good

birth, but has no fortune.”

“That is a misfortune we can remedy.”

“You overwhelm me with gratitude, sire; but your majesty

will permit me to offer a remark?”

“Do so, comte.”

“Your majesty seems to intimate an intention of giving a

marriage-portion to this young lady.”


“I should regret, sire, if the step I have taken towards

your majesty should be attended by this result.”

“No false delicacy, comte; what is the bride’s name?”

“Mademoiselle de la Baume le Blanc de la Valliere,” said

Athos, coldly.”

“I seem to know that name,” said the king, as if reflecting;

“there was a Marquis de la Valliere”

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“Yes, sire, it is his daughter.”

“But he died, and his widow married again M. de Saint-Remy,

I think, steward of the wager Madame’s household.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre