Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

“Stay,” continued Aramis, “I have seen many persons very

like the one we are speaking of; but, out of respect, no one

ever said anything about it.”

“Very likely; because there is resemblance and resemblance.

This is a striking one, and, if you were to see him, you

would admit it to be so.”

“If I were to see him, indeed,” said Aramis, in an

indifferent tone; “but in all probability I never shall.”

“Why not?”

“Because if I were even to put my foot inside one of those

horrible dungeons, I should fancy I was buried there


“No, no; the cells are very good places to live in.”

“I really do not, and cannot believe it, and that is a


“Pray do not speak ill of second Bertaudiere. It is really a

good room, very nicely furnished and carpeted. The young

fellow has by no means been unhappy there; the best lodging

the Bastile affords has been his. There is a chance for


“Nay, nay,” said Aramis, coldly; “you will never make me

believe there are any good rooms in the Bastile; and, as for

your carpets, they exist only in your imagination. I should

find nothing but spiders, rats, and perhaps toads, too.”

“Toads?” cried Baisemeaux.

“Yes, in the dungeons.”

“Ah! I don’t say there are not toads in the dungeons,”

replied Baisemeaux. “But — will you be convinced by your

own eyes?” he continued, with a sudden impulse.

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“No, certainly not.”

“Not even to satisfy yourself of the resemblance which you

deny, as you do the carpets?”

“Some spectral-looking person, a mere shadow; an unhappy,

dying man.”

“Nothing of the kind — as brisk and vigorous a young fellow

as ever lived.”

“Melancholy and ill-tempered, then?”

“Not at all; very gay and lively.”

“Nonsense; you are joking.”

“Will you follow me?” said Baisemeaux.

“What for?”

“To go the round of the Bastile.”


“You will then see for yourself — see with your own eyes.”

“But the regulations?”

“Never mind them. To-day my major has leave of absence; the

lieutenant is visiting the post on the bastions; we are sole

masters of the situation.”

“No, no, my dear governor; why, the very idea of the sound

of the bolts makes me shudder. You will only have to forget

me in second or fourth Bertaudiere, and then —- ”

“You are refusing an opportunity that may never present

itself again. Do you know that, to obtain the favor I

propose to you gratis, some of the princes of the blood have

offered me as much as fifty thousand francs.”

“Really! he must be worth seeing, then?”

“Forbidden fruit, my lord, forbidden fruit. You who belong

to the church ought to know that.”

“Well, if I had any curiosity, it would be to see the poor

author of the distich.”

“Very well, we will see him, too; but if I were at all

curious, it would be about the beautiful carpeted room and

its lodger.”

“Furniture is very commonplace; and a face with no

expression in it offers little or no interest.”

“But a boarder at fifteen francs is always interesting.”

“By the by, I forgot to ask you about that. Why fifteen

francs for him, and only three francs for poor Seldon?”

“The distinction made in that instance was a truly noble

act, and one which displayed the king’s goodness of heart to

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great advantage.”

“The king’s, you say.”

“The cardinal’s, I mean. `This unhappy man,’ said M.

Mazarin, `is destined to remain in prison forever.'”

“Why so?”

“Why, it seems that his crime is a lasting one, and,

consequently, his punishment ought to be so, too.”


“No doubt of it, unless he is fortunate enough to catch the

small-pox, and even that is difficult, for we never get any

impure air here.”

“Nothing can be more ingenious than your train of reasoning,

my dear M. de Baisemeaux. Do you, however, mean to say that

this unfortunate man must suffer without interruption or


“I did not say he was to suffer, my lord, a fifteen-franc

boarder does not suffer.”

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre