Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

Wardes, “is a very excellent fellow, whose only misfortune

is that of not being of gentle birth. As far as I am

concerned, you know, I attach little value to those who have

but gentle birth to boast of.”

“Assuredly,” said De Wardes; “but will you allow me to

remark, my dear count, that, without rank of some sort, one

can hardly hope to belong to his royal highness’s


“You are right,” said the count, “court etiquette is

absolute. The devil! — we never so much as gave it a


“Alas! a sad misfortune for me, monsieur le comte,” said

Malicorne, changing color.

“Yet not without remedy, I hope,” returned De Guiche.

“The remedy is found easily enough,” exclaimed De Wardes;

“you can be created a gentleman. His Eminence, the Cardinal

Mazarin, did nothing else from morning till night”

“Hush, hush, De Wardes,” said the count; “no jests of that

kind; it ill becomes us to turn such matters into ridicule.

Letters of nobility, it is true, are purchasable; but that

is a sufficient misfortune without the nobles themselves

laughing at it.”

“Upon my word, De Guiche, you’re quite a Puritan, as the

English say.”

At this moment the Vicomte de Bragelonne was announced by

one of the servants in the courtyard, in precisely the same

manner as he would have done in a room.

“Come here, my dear Raoul. What! you, too, booted and

spurred? You are setting off, then?”

Bragelonne approached the group of young men, and saluted

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them with that quiet and serious manner peculiar to him. His

salutation was principally addressed to De Wardes, with whom

he was unacquainted, and whose features, on his perceiving

Raoul, had assumed a strange sternness of expression. “I

have come, De Guiche,” he said, “to ask your companionship.

We set off for Havre, I presume.”

“This is admirable — delightful. We shall have a most

enjoyable journey. M. Malicorne, M. Bragelonne — ah! M. de

Wardes, let me present you.” The young men saluted each

other in a restrained manner. Their very natures seemed,

from the beginning, disposed to take exception to each

other. De Wardes was pliant, subtle, full of dissimulation;

Raoul was calm, grave, and upright. “Decide between us —

between De Wardes and myself, Raoul.”

“Upon what subject?”

“Upon the subject of noble birth.”

“Who can be better informed on that subject than a De


“No compliments; it is your opinion I ask.”

“At least, inform me of the subject under discussion.”

“De Wardes asserts that the distribution of titles is

abused; I, on the contrary, maintain that a title is useless

to the man on whom it is bestowed.”

“And you are correct,” said Bragelonne, quietly.

“But, monsieur le vicomte,” interrupted De Wardes, with a

kind of obstinacy, “I affirm that it is I who am correct.”

“What was your opinion, monsieur?”

“I was saying that everything is done in France at the

present moment to humiliate men of family.”

“And by whom?”

“By the king himself. He surrounds himself with people who

cannot show four quarterings.”

“Nonsense,” said De Guiche, “where could you possibly have

seen that, De Wardes?”

“One example will suffice,” he returned, directing his look

fully upon Raoul.

“State it then.”

“Do you know who has just been nominated captain-general of

the musketeers? — an appointment more valuable than a

peerage; for it gives precedence over all the marechals of


Raoul’s color mounted in his face; for he saw the object De

Wardes had in view. “No; who has been appointed? In any case

it must have been very recently, for the appointment was

vacant eight days ago; a proof of which is, that the king

refused Monsieur, who solicited the post for one of his

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“Well, the king refused it to Monsieur’s protege, in order

to bestow it upon the Chevalier d’Artagnan, a younger

brother of some Gascon family, who has been trailing his

sword in the ante-chambers during the last thirty years.”

“Forgive me if I interrupt you,” said Raoul, darting a

glance full of severity at De Wardes; “but you give me the

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre