Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

of your father, if he were still alive, and if I had met him

after my return to France, subsequent to the death of King

Charles I.”

“That is too much, M. d’Artagnan,” exclaimed many voices,

with animation.

“No, gentlemen,” said the captain. “And now, M. de Wardes, I

hope all is finished between us, and that you will have no

further occasion to speak ill of me again. Do you consider

it completely settled?”

De Wardes bowed, and muttered to himself inarticulately.

“I trust also,” said D’Artagnan, approaching the young man

closely, “that you will no longer speak ill of any one, as

it seems you have the unfortunate habit of doing; for a man

so puritanically conscientious as you are, who can reproach

an old soldier for a youthful freak five-and-thirty years

after it happened, will allow me to ask whether you who

advocate such excessive purity of conscience, will undertake

on your side to do nothing contrary either to conscience or

the principle of honor. And now, listen attentively to what

I am going to say, M. de Wardes, in conclusion. Take care

that no tale, with which your name may be associated,

reaches my ear.”

“Monsieur,” said De Wardes, “it is useless threatening to no


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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

“I have not yet finished, M. de Wardes, and you must listen

to me still further.” The circle of listeners, full of eager

curiosity, drew closer. “You spoke just now of the honor of

a woman, and of the honor of your father. We were glad to

hear you speak in that manner; for it is pleasing to think

that such a sentiment of delicacy and rectitude, and which

did not exist, it seems, in our minds, lives in our

children; and it is delightful too, to see a young man, at

an age when men from habit become the destroyers of the

honor of women, respect and defend it.”

De Wardes bit his lips and clenched his hands, evidently

much disturbed to learn how this discourse, the commencement

of which was announced in so threatening a manner, would


“How did it happen, then, that you allowed yourself to say

to M. de Bragelonne that he did not know who his mother


Raoul’s eye flashed, as, darting forward, he exclaimed, —

“Chevalier, this is a personal affair of my own!” At which

exclamation, a smile, full of malice, passed across De

Wardes’s face.

D’Artagnan put Raoul aside, saying, — “Do not interrupt me,

young man.” And looking at De Wardes in an authoritative

manner, he continued: — “I am now dealing with a matter

which cannot be settled by means of the sword. I discuss it

before men of honor, all of whom have more than once had

their swords in their hands in affairs of honor. I selected

them expressly. These gentlemen well know that every secret

for which men fight ceases to be a secret. I again put my

question to M. de Wardes. What was the subject of

conversation when you offended this young man, in offending

his father and mother at the same time?”

“It seems to me,” returned De Wardes, “that liberty of

speech is allowed, when it is supported by every means which

a man of courage has at his disposal.”

“Tell me what the means are by which a man of courage can

sustain a slanderous expression.”

“The sword.”

“You fail, not only in logic, in your argument, but in

religion and honor. You expose the lives of many others,

without referring to your own, which seems to be full of

hazard. Besides, fashions pass away, monsieur, and the

fashion of duelling has passed away, without referring in

any way to the edicts of his majesty which forbid it.

Therefore, in order to be consistent with your own

chivalrous notions, you will at once apologize to M. de

Bragelonne; you will tell him how much you regret having

spoken so lightly, and that the nobility and purity of his

race are inscribed, not in his heart alone, but still more

in every action of his life. You will do and say this, M. de

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre