Ten Years Later by Dumas, Alexandre. Part two

“Good!” said D’Artagnan aside; “I think I now know the real

engineer who is fortifying Belle-Isle.”

Two hours after, at high tide, Porthos and D’Artagnan set

out for Sarzeau.


A Procession at Vannes

The passage from Belle-Isle to Sarzeau was made rapidly

enough, thanks to one of those little corsairs of which

D’Artagnan had been told during his voyage, and which,

shaped for fast sailing and destined for the chase, were

sheltered at that time in the roadstead of Loc-Maria, where

one of them, with a quarter of its war-crew, performed duty

between Belle-Isle and the continent. D’Artagnan had an

opportunity of convincing himself that Porthos, though

engineer and topographer, was not deeply versed in affairs

of state. His perfect ignorance, with any other, might have

passed for well-informed dissimulation. But D’Artagnan knew

too well all the folds and refolds of his Porthos, not to

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Dumas, Alexandre – Ten Years Later

find a secret if there were one there; like those regular,

minute old bachelors, who know how to find, with their eyes

shut, each book on the shelves of their library and each

piece of linen in their wardrobe. So if he had found

nothing, our cunning D’Artagnan, in rolling and unrolling

his Porthos, it was because, in truth, there was nothing to

be found.

“Be it so,” said D’Artagnan, “I shall get to know more at

Vannes in half an hour than Porthos has discovered at

Belle-Isle in two months. Only, in order that I may know

something, it is important that Porthos should not make use

of the only stratagem I leave at his disposal. He must not

warn Aramis of my arrival.” All the care of the musketeer

was then, for the moment, confined to the watching of

Porthos. And let us hasten to say, Porthos did not deserve

all this mistrust. Porthos thought of no evil. Perhaps, on

first seeing him, D’Artagnan had inspired him with a little

suspicion, but almost immediately D’Artagnan had reconquered

in that good and brave heart the place he had always

occupied, and not the least cloud darkened the large eye of

Porthos, fixed from time to time with tenderness on his


On landing, Porthos inquired if his horses were waiting, and

soon perceived them at the crossing of the road that winds

round Sarzeau, and which, without passing through that

little city, leads towards Vannes. These horses were two in

number, one for M. de Vallon, and one for his equerry; for

Porthos had an equerry since Mouston was only able to use a

carriage as a means of locomotion. D’Artagnan expected that

Porthos would propose to send forward his equerry upon one

horse to bring back another, and he — D’Artagnan — had

made up his mind to oppose this proposition. But nothing

D’Artagnan had expected happened. Porthos simply told the

equerry to dismount and await his return at Sarzeau, whilst

D’Artagnan would ride his horse; which was arranged.

“Eh! but you are quite a man of precaution, my dear

Porthos,” said D’Artagnan to his friend, when he found

himself in the saddle, upon the equerry’s horse.

“Yes, but this is a kindness on the part of Aramis. I have

not my stud here, and Aramis has placed his stables at my


“Good horses for bishop’s horses, mordioux!” said

D’Artagnan. “It is true, Aramis is a bishop of a peculiar


“He is a holy man!” replied Porthos, in a tone almost nasal,

and with his eyes raised towards heaven.

“Then he is much changed,” said D’Artagnan; “you and I have

known him passably profane.”

“Grace has touched him,” said Porthos.

“Bravo,” said D’Artagnan, “that redoubles my desire to see

my dear old friend.” And he spurred his horse, which sprang

off into a more rapid pace.

“Peste!” said Porthos, “if we go on at this rate, we shall

only take one hour instead of two.”

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“To go how far, do you say, Porthos?”

“Four leagues and a half.”

“That will be a good pace.”

“I could have embarked you on the canal, but the devil take

rowers and boat-horses! The first are like tortoises; the

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Categories: Dumas, Alexandre