THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

Sherlock looked up. Her eyes were very bright and very green. “It’s Sunday, sir, and we were going to watch the Redskins game. I’d prefer the San Francisco 49ers but you don’t show them here unless they’re playing on Monday Night Football.”

Before Jimmy Maitland could leap on Sherlock, Savich said, “I just wanted her to rest today, sir. I’d planned to speak to you about it tomorrow. However, it’s kind of you to have driven all the way over here.”

“Why the hell is she here?”

“She was attacked in her town house. I didn’t think it was safe for her to remain there.”

Maitland grunted at that. “So what the hell’s going on here? It’s about that little prick Martin Jones, isn’t it?”

She knew if she told him she had no idea what it was about, he’d probably have a coronary, so she said simply, “Yes, sir. I don’t think our job is quite done yet. I’m going back to Boston to talk to him again. There are some loose ends, some things that just don’t fit together. The last thing we want is any uncertainty. Remember Richard Jewell and the Atlanta Olympic bombing? We looked like secretive, cover-your-behind boobs in that deal. We were heavy-handed, let the media in on everything before we had anything remotely conclusive, and then we left the guy twisting in the wind. We took his reputation, his good name. Sir, we even took his Tup-perware. Let me finish properly with Marlin Jones. Just this week, sir. That’s all I need, just this week.”

Reference to the Richard Jewell fiasco made Jimmy Maitland nearly chew clean through his cigar. “You mean we could get burned in this?”

“It’s possible, sir. As I said, I’ll be going up on Tuesday and get everything settled. Maybe stay until the end of the week. Please, sir.”

“Who the hell tried to whack you, Agent Sherlock?”

She should have known he would home in on that. Mr. Maitland was a very tenacious man. “I don’t believe it was a whack job, sir, more like a threat, but it is one of the loose ends.”

“I don’t like my agents getting whacked, Agent Sherlock.”

“No, sir.” As the whackee, she hadn’t liked it either, but she didn’t think Mr. Maitland would laugh if she said that. She moved even closer to the edge of her seat. Her head was aching. Her shoulder throbbed. She felt mildly light-headed. She wanted Dillon to kiss her. She saw him naked over her and choked on the sip of water she’d just taken.

“You okay, Sherlock?” Savich half rose in his chair, then at her look, he sat down again. What would he have done anyway? Hugged her? Yeah, that would have been a real treat for Maitland. He might have just stroked out on the spot. Savich prayed Maitland wouldn’t ask any more questions about her attacker. He didn’t have any convincing answers made up just yet. He didn’t want to bring in her family, at least not just yet.

She said, “Yes, sir, I’m just fine.”

She was red in the face; she wouldn’t look at him. She was staring at the black tassels on her Bally loafers. If his boss hadn’t been sitting six feet from him, he might have thrown her over his shoulder and carried her upstairs. He smiled really big at Jimmy Maitland. “I’ll go with her to Boston. We’ll get it all wrapped up.”

“Marlin Jones is in jail. Who the hell attacked Agent Sherlock? Why?”

“We don’t know yet, sir, but we’re betting the answer lies with Marlin Jones.”

“You don’t know that, Savich. It might be entirely unrelated.” No one said a word. Jimmy Maitland sighed and pulled himself to his feet. He was tired. He’d had too much beer to drink the night before at a retirement party for Bucky Hendricks, an old New York agent who’d been a terror in his day. Even the Mob had sent him a gold watch. He wanted to go home and watch the Redskins too. He said, “Go on to Boston, then. I see you don’t want to tell me you really have no idea if Marlin Jones is connected with this attack on Sherlock. There is one thing though, Savich. The young cop who messed up and let two of the old people go in that Florida nursing home murder-he has no idea. We were right-all old people look the same to him. Oh yeah, there’s been a spate of murders in South Dakota, right in Elk Point, then the guy went over the border into Iowa. Nasty business. The police chief in Sioux City is frantic.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter