THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

Lacey had heard all about James Quinlan, presumably this woman’s husband. She’d heard about some of his cases, but none of the real details. Maybe when she met Sally Quinlan, she’d find out all the good stuff.

It turned out that Sally Quinlan wasn’t free until the following Saturday. They made a date. Lacey spent the day learning about PAP, the Predictive Analogue Program, and all the procedures in the unit.

That Monday evening, Lacey found two lovely, but small, prints at Bentrells in Georgetown, which would probably look insignificant against that long expanse of white wall in her living room. She bought some clothes at another Georgetown boutique. When she got back to her apartment, there was Douglas waiting for her. He’d been busy Sunday, hadn’t even had time to phone her. She said, “I’m starving. Let’s go eat.”

He nodded and took her to Antonio’s, a northern Italian restaurant that wasn’t trendy. Over a glass of wine and medallions of veal, he said, “I guess you want to know about this woman, huh?”

“Yeah, you dropped that bomb and then took off.” She fingered a bread stick. “If you don’t want to tell me, Douglas, that’s all right.”

“No, you should know. Her name is Candice Addams. She’s about your age, so beautiful that men stop in midstride to stare at her, smarter than just about anyone I know.” He sighed and pushed away his plate. “She claims I got her pregnant and I suppose that I could have, but I’ve always been so careful. Living in San Francisco, you’re probably the most careful of any American.”

“Do you want to marry her?” Odd how it hurt to say the words, but they had to be said. Although she didn’t know what she wanted from Douglas, she did realize that she valued him, that he attracted her, that he amused her, that he stood up for her, at least most of the time. And he’d been there for her through it all. She’d been closer to him during those awful months than to her father. Of course no one was really close to her mother. That was impossible.

“No, of course not. She’s a local TV reporter. I can’t imagine that she wants to have a baby now.”

She felt suddenly impatient with him. “Haven’t you spoken about all this with her? Does she want to have the baby? An abortion? Does she want to get married? What, Douglas?”

“Yeah, she says she wants to marry me.”

“You said she’s smart and beautiful. You said you always wanted to have kids. So marry her.”

“Yeah, I guess maybe I’ll have to. I wanted to tell you about it in person, Lacey. I don’t want to marry her, I’m not lying about that. I’d hoped that someday you and I could, well, that would probably never have happened, would it?”

“I don’t know,” she said finally, setting down her fork. The medallions of veal looked about as appetizing as buffalo chips. “There’s been so much, Douglas, too much. I’m very grateful to you, you know that. I wish I could say that I wanted to be with you-”

“Yeah, I know.”

“What will you do?”

“I’d turn her down flat if you’d have me, Lacey.”

She wondered in that moment just what he’d do if she said yes. She’d thought several times in the last few years that she was a habit to him, someone he was fond of, someone he would protect, but not as a woman, not as a wife. No, she was Belinda’s little sister and she probably always would be in his mind. She dredged up a smile for him. “I hope she hasn’t given you an ultimatum.”

“Oh no, Candice is far too intelligent to do that. I’m hooked, but she isn’t pulling at all on the line.”

It was his life. He had to forget and move on. It had been seven years. And as for her, well, she would move on as well, toward the goal she’d always had, toward the goal she would pursue until the monster was caught and dead, or she was.

She’d heard that Russell Bent had gotten himself a hotshot lawyer who was claiming police brutality and coercion. The press was speculating that the lawyer might get him off. She wouldn’t let that happen to him. Never.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter