THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

“Please, be nuts just for a little while longer.”

He looked at her with a good deal of dislike. Actually he’d had no intention of pulling her out now. He tossed his napkin on the table and pushed back his chair. “Oh, what the hell. Why not? At least now he can’t hurt you and you can’t hurt him. You won’t try to shoot him, will you, Sherlock?”

“Certainly not.”

“I’m an idiot to believe you. Tell you what. I’ll take you to the hospital. We’ll just see if you can keep yourself from ripping the guy’s throat out.”

“I just want to know. No, I’ve got to know. Why did he kill Belinda?”

“Did she have a salty tongue?”

“She cursed, but nothing that would shock anybody, except my father and mother. Her husband loved her very much. Douglas will be pleased that this guy has been caught. As for my father, since he’s a judge, it’s one more criminal off the streets. But you know, Dad never really liked her because she wasn’t his real daughter. She’s my half sister, you see. My mother’s daughter from her first marriage. She was twelve years older than I.”

“Did she ever bad-mouth her husband?”

“No. Well, I don’t think so. But I can’t be sure. Twelve years make a big difference. She married her husband when I was sixteen. What difference does that make?”

“So she’d only been married three years when she was killed?”

“Yes. She’d just had her thirty-first birthday.”

“If she didn’t curse or bad-mouth her husband in public, then Marlin wouldn’t have had any reason to go after her. You remember that he wouldn’t have touched you if you hadn’t let loose with all those curse words. Then you added the bad-mouth of your mythical husband for frosting on the cake. So it only makes sense that your sister did something to make him go after her. Either she really lost it and cursed up a storm within his hearing, or she put down her husband in his hearing. One or the other, Sherlock. What’s the most likely?”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’ve got to talk to Marlin. He’s got to tell me.”

“If he refuses to talk to you at all?”

She was silent, staring down at a forkful of scrambled eggs that she’d sprinkled too much pepper on. “It’s odd. All the other women, no one admitted that they’d ever cursed a word in their lives or bad-mouthed their husbands. But they must have. You saw how Marlin came after me.”

“You shocked my socks off when I listened to you let loose on Marlin in that hardware store.”

“Good, because I knew you’d be the toughest to convince.”

“As for the other women, evidently the family and friends were just trying to protect the good name of the dead. It happens all the time, and that makes it even more difficult for the cops.”

“He’s got to tell me.”

He said very gently, “You’ve got to bring it to a close, Sherlock.”

She hated him for the gentleness, the kindness. He had no idea. He couldn’t begin to understand. She jerked up to look

at him across the table. Her voice was as cold as Albany in January as she said, “Would you like another bagel?”

He sat back, folding his arms over his chest. “You’re tough, Sherlock, but you still aren’t in my league. If you put cream cheese on the bagel, I’ll eat it.”


BOTH CAPTAIN DOUGHERTY and Ralph Budnack were standing outside Room 423 when Savich and Lacey arrived at Boston Memorial Hospital.

“You don’t look too bad,” Ralph said, peering down at her. “On the other hand, Savich doesn’t look too good. You haven’t been a pain in the butt, have you?”

She rolled her eyes. “Why do you guys always stick together? I’m the one injured here, not Savich.”

“Yeah, but Savich had to make sure you didn’t croak it at the hotel. He deserves combat pay.”

“I slept all the way through, didn’t moan or whine or anything to disturb His Highness. He just had to order room service. How about Marlin Jones? Can we see him now?”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter