THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

She wanted to leap over the desk and hug Mr. Petty. She couldn’t speak for a moment. She’d thought she’d doomed herself after she’d realized she simply couldn’t survive in the ISU as a Profiler. The week she’d spent there had left her so ill she’d endured the old nightmares in blazing, hideous color for well over a week, replete with all the terror, as fresh as it had been seven years before. She just knew, deep down, that she could have never gotten used to it, and the ISU people did admit that many folks just couldn’t ever deal with it, no matter how hard they tried. No, she wouldn’t have been able to survive it, not with the horror of the job combined with the horror of the nightmares.

But now, she felt an incredible surge of excitement. She hadn’t known about Savich’s unit, which was strange because there was always gossip about everything and everyone at the Academy. And this sort of unit would provide her with an ideal vantage point. At the very least, she would be able to access all the files, all the collected data impossible for her to see otherwise. And no one would wonder at her curiosity, not if she was careful. Oh yes, and she would have free time. She closed her eyes with relief.

She’d never felt as though anyone was looking after her before. It was frightening because she hadn’t believed in much of anything since that long ago night seven years ago. She’d had a goal, nothing more, just that goal. And now she had a real chance at realizing it.

“Now, it’s two-twenty,” Mr. Petty said. “Agent Savich wants to see you in ten minutes. I hope you can deal with this work. It’s not profiling, but I don’t doubt that it will be difficult at times, depending on the case and how intimately involved you have to become in it. At least you won’t be six floors down at Quantico working in a bomb shelter with no windows.”

“The people in the ISU deserve a big raise.”

“And lots more help as well, which is one of the reasons Agent Savich’s unit was formed. Now, I’ll let him tell you all about it. Then you can make a decision.”

“May I ask, sir, why Agent Savich requested me?”

There was that unholy grin again. “I think he really can’t believe that you beat him, Agent Sherlock. Actually, you will have to ask him that.”

He rose and walked her to the door of his small office. “I’m joking, of course. The Unit is three turns down this hallway and to the right. Turn left after another four doors and two conference rooms. It’s just there on the left. Are you getting used to the Puzzle Palace?”

“No, sir. This place is a maze.”

“It’s got more than two million square feet. It boggles a normal mind. I still get lost, and my wife tells me I’m not all that normal. Give yourself another ten years, Agent Sherlock.”

Mr. Petty shook her hand. “Welcome to the Bureau. I hope you find your work rewarding. Ah, did anyone ever refer to a tweed hat?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Sorry, Agent Sherlock.”

It was hard not to run out the door of his office. She didn’t even stop at the women’s room.

Savich looked up. “You found me in ten minutes,” he said, looking down at his Mickey Mouse wristwatch. “That’s good, Sherlock. I understand from Colin Petty that you’re wondering why I had you reassigned to my unit.”

He was wearing a white shirt rolled up to his elbows, a navy blue tie, and navy slacks. A navy blazer was hanging on a coatrack in the corner of his office. He rose slowly from behind his desk as he spoke. He was big, at least six two, dark, and very muscular. In addition to the martial arts, he clearly worked out regularly. She’d heard some of the trainees call him a regular he-man, not a G-man. She knew just how strong and fast he was, since he’d worked her over in that Hogan’s Alley exercise. Her stomach had hurt for three days after that head butt. If she didn’t know he was an agent, she would have been terrified of him. He looked hard as nails, except for his eyes, which were a very soft summer-sky blue. Dreamy eyes, her mother would have called them. Her mother would have been wrong. There was nothing soft about this guy. He was patiently looking at her. What had he been talking about? Oh yes, why he’d wanted her reassigned to this unit. She smiled and said, “Yes, sir.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter