THE MAZE by Catherine Counlter

“You’re already brainwashed. Well, here’s to you, Lacey. I hope this works out the way you want it to.”

Douglas raised his glass and lightly clicked it against hers. She merely nodded, then took a sip. It was delicious. “Thank you for bringing the champagne.”

“You’re welcome.”

“His wife had the baby at about midnight.”

“Whose wife? Oh, the agent who’d done all the work.”

“Yeah, I thought he’d cry that he’d missed it, but he was a good sport about it. Why are you here, Douglas? I only called my father yesterday with my new address.”

He poured himself some more champagne, sipped it, then said with a shrug and a smile, “It was good timing. I had to come to Washington to see a client and decided to put you up front on my itinerary.” He moved into the living room. “I like your living room. It’ll have lots of afternoon sunlight. It’s good sized. Why don’t you have any furniture?”

“It wasn’t worth it to have all my old stuff trucked across the country. I’ll get some new stuff.”

They were standing facing each other in the empty living room. Douglas Madigan downed the rest of his champagne and set his empty glass on the oak floor. He straightened, took her glass, and set it next to his. “Lacey,” he said, taking her upper arms in his hands, “I’ve missed you. I wish you had come home for a visit, but you didn’t. You didn’t write me or call. You left a hole in my life. You’re beautiful, you know that? I’ll bet all the guys are always telling you that, or just staring at you, even with your hair all frizzy around your face, even with those baggy jeans you’re wearing and that ridiculous sweatshirt. What does it say across the back? Dizzy Dan’s Pizza? What the hell is that all about?”

“Nothing, Douglas, just a local place. And no one seems to have noticed my soul-crushing beauty at all. But you’re kind to say so.” Actually, she’d gone out of her way at the Academy and now at Headquarters to dress very conservatively, even severely. As for her hair, she’d always worn it pulled back and clipped at the base of her neck. But this was Saturday. She was in jeans and a sweatshirt, her hair loose around her face. Since it wasn’t raining and there was next to no humidity, Douglas obviously didn’t know what frizzy was.

“You’re looking good, Douglas. But you never change. Maybe you just get better.” It was true. He was six feet tall, had a lean runner’s body and a thin face with soulful brown eyes. Women loved him, always had. Even her mother had never said a word against Douglas. He charmed easily. He dominated just as easily.

“Thank you.” He touched her hair, then sifted it through his fingers. “Beautiful. It’s auburn, but not really. Perhaps more Titian, but there’s some blond in there too and some brown. Ah, you know I didn’t want you doing this silly FBI thing. Why? Why did you leave me and do this?”

Leave him? She said in her low, calm voice, the one she’d practiced and practiced at the Academy when she took courses in interviewing, “I always wanted to be in law enforcement, you know that. The FBI is the best, the very best. It’s the heart of the whole system.”

“The heart? I doubt it. As to your always wanting to be in law enforcement, I don’t remember that. You started out as a music major. You play the piano beautifully. You were playing Beethoven sonatas since you were eleven years old. You wanted to go to Julliard. I remember you dropped out of the Fletcher competition. I always believed you weren’t quite of this world. You seemed to live for your music. Of course we all changed after Belinda. It’s been a very long time now. Seven long years. Your father didn’t appreciate your talent, didn’t understand it since he didn’t have any at all, but everyone else did. Everyone was worried about you when you sold your Steinway years ago, when you stopped even playing at parties. Hell, you even stopped going to parties.”

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Categories: Catherine Coulter