Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

attrium. There wasn’t a room where the roof was intact and several where it was

non-existant. Walegrin and Thrusher threw their belongings into a room once

connected to the main attrium but now accessible only through a gaping hole in

the wall. Still, it was a better billet than most they’d seen.

The work was hard and dirty, with little time for recreation, though Sanctuary

was in sight down the gentle slopes. Balustrus treated Walegrin and his men like

ordinary apprentices, which meant they got enough food and more than enough

abuse. If Walegrin had not borne his share so stoically there might have been

problems, but he was willing to sacrifice anything to the cause of his swords.

For three weeks they lived in almost total isolation. A farmer delivered their

food and gossip; an occassional mercenary came seeking Balustrus’ services and

was turned away. Only once did someone come looking for Walegrin himself,

and that was after Illyra bore twins: a boy and a girl. The soldier sent

them a gold piece to insure their registry in the rolls of citizenship at the


“Is it worth it, commander?” Thrusher asked as he kneaded a soothing balm into

Walegrin’s burnt shoulder. “We’re here three weeks and all we have to show for

ourselves is fresh scars.”

“What about full bellies and no problems from Kittycat? Yes, it’s worth it. We

should know how steel is made; I had always thought the smiths just took the ore

and made it into swords. I had no idea there were so many steps in between.”

“Aye, so many steps. We’ve gone through two sacks already and what have we got?

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Categories: Asprin, Robert