Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

with surprise and a dazzle of light flashed between them.

As Walegrin looked up a second flash erupted. Their prisoner needed no more time

to effect his escape. They heard the youth mount and gallop off, but by the time

either man could see clearly again the trail was already becoming mud.

“Magic,” Thrusher muttered as he got to his feet.

Walegrin said nothing as he got his legs under him. “Well, Thrush-what else was

in that purse?” he asked after several moments.

Thrusher checked it cautiously again. “A small ransom in gold and this.” He

handed Walegrin a small silver object.

“One of the Ilsig links, by the look of it,” Walegrin whispered. He looked back

toward the villa. “He’s up to something.”

“The magician wasn’t Rankene,” Thrusher offered in consolation.

“That only means we have new enemies. C’mon. It’s time to find my sister. She’ll

make at least as much sense as the metal-master.”

The rain had kept the bazaar crowds to a minimum, but so close to the harbor

there was fog, too, and Walegrin got them lost twice before he heard the sound

of Dubro’s hammer. Two mercenaries, a Whoreson pair by the look of them, waited

beneath the awning. Dubro was mending their shield.

“You’re putting in more dents than you’re taking out, oaf,” the younger, taller

of the pair complained, but Dubro went on hammering.

Walegrin and Thrusher moved closer without being noticed. A rope was tied across

the doorway, usually a sign that Illyra was scrying. Walegrin tried to find the

scent of her incense in the air but found only the smell of Dubro’s fire.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert