Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

were never there when you needed them, but always there when you didn’t.

* * *

Jubal cursed aloud when Saliman arrived at their new hideout with word of the

fleet. Their plans to rebuild a power structure had been going well, old

employees being infiltrated through the existing structures of the town and new

hirelings being bought or frightened into cooperation. With only weeks to go

before their first act of power, this new force could mean complications and

disruption of the existing order. He would need to completely re-evaluate and

probably revise all their plans.

After months of painful healing and careful planning, Jubal was not one to

accept inconvenience with a smile.

* * *

Prince Kadakithis shooed his advisors out of the meeting chambers so that he

might speak privately with Tempus. It had already been decided that a messenger

would be dispatched for the capital immediately with news of the fleet. There

was no reason to believe they’d be able to get word out after the fleet landed.

Sanctuary’s military situation was bleak. Counting the Stepsons, the garrison

and Wale-grin’s newly formed company, the city would muster less than two

hundred swords. If this incoming fleet were indeed hostile, their opposition

would likely number in the thousands.

The Prince angrily rejected Tempus’ suggestion theft he accompany the messenger

north to the safety of Ranke. He was royalty, pledged to the service and

protection of the town. When one enjoyed the fruits of position, Kitty-cat said,

then one occasionally had to bear the burdens too- even if that burden included

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Categories: Asprin, Robert