Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

the possibilities of capture, ransom and worse.

Tempus argued that this was illogical, citing numerous historic examples, but

Kadakithis remained unswayed. The citizens of Sanctuary could not flee and,

therefore, neither would he. Good or bad, he would remain with the town and

share its fate.

* * *

Confronted with another prophecy come true, Walegrin sought his half-sister in

the bazaar, only to find his path blocked by silent S’danzo men. Dubro’s

appearance averted potential bloodshed; the smith drew Walegrin aside and

explained what he knew of the situation.

Illyra was in a meeting with the other S’danzo women-a meeting closed to

outsiders. As near as Dubro could determine, they were pooling the information

each had received through visions of the approaching ships and arguing over the

best course for the S’danzo to follow. Until the meeting broke up, there was

nothing to do but wait.

Walegrin fumed but settled back to sweat out the time until the meeting was

over, knowing full well the value of the information that might be forthcoming

if he could convince Illyra to share the tribe’s secrets with him.

* * *

The Downwinders were jubilant when they heard the news. As those currently at

the bottom of the social structures, any change would have to be for the better,

though the more imaginative cautioned that this need not be true. Still, the

scavengers anticipated the fleet’s arrival with far more enthusiasm than could

be found anywhere else in town.

* * *

The Vulgar Unicorn was crowded with those seeking to stave off the future with a

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Categories: Asprin, Robert