Thieves World 4 – Storm Season by Asprin, Robert

The smith nodded slowly. “She was gone!”

“She hadn’t simply followed you and gotten lost-or gone to visit the other


A deep-pitched groan forced its way out of Dubro’s throat. “No-no. T’was all

torn about. She fought, but she was gone-without her shawl. Walegrin, she goes

nowhere without her shawl.”

“She might have escaped to hide somewhere?”

“I’ve searched-else I’d have been here sooner,” the smith explained, shifting

his grip from Walegrin’s wrist to his less-protected shoulder. “I roused all the

S’danzo-and they searched with me. We found her shoe behind the farmer’s stall

by the river, but nothing else. I went home to look for signs.” Dubro shook

Walegrin for emphasis. “I found this!”

He withdrew an object from his pouch and held it so close that Walegrin couldn’t

see it. A measure of calm returned to the smith, he released Walegrin and let

him study the object. It was a metal gauntlet boss, engraved and distinctive

enough to identify its wearer, should he be found. But Walegrin did not

recognize it. He handed it to Thrusher.

“Do you recognize it?” he asked.


Cythen took the boss from Thrusher’s hands. “Stepson-” she said with both fear

and anger. “See here, the lightning emerging from the clouds? Only they wear

such designs.”

“You have a plan?” Dubro demanded.

It wasn’t only Dubro waiting for a plan. With the mention of the Stepsons,

Cubert had re-entered the room, and Cythen was warm for blood; the hawkmasks all

had reasons for vengeance. Even Thrusher, still rubbing his sore head, acted as

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Categories: Asprin, Robert