Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

perhaps, but in the same moment Moria’s arm went limp and listless in his hand.

‘You’d live well,’ Ischade said in her quiet voice, an intimate tone which yet

rose above the river-sound. ‘I reward – loyalty.’

‘With whatT Mradhon asked.

She favoured Mradhon with a long, slow stare, ophidian and, at this moment,


‘Gold. Fine wines. Your life and comfort. Follow me – across the bridge. I need

four brave souls.’

‘What for? To do what for you?’

‘Why, to save a life,’ she said, ‘maybe. The bumed house. I’m sure you know it.

Meet me there.’

The light went, the shadow rippled, and in the half-dark between the pilings and

the flagstone bank, one shadow deserted them. The second started then to follow.

‘TTie patrols -‘ he said to the dark, but she was gone then. Mor-am stopped,

abandoned, his voice swallowed by the river-sound. He turned hastily, facing


‘Moria -1 had a reason.’

‘Where have you been?’ The knife was still in Moria’s hand. Mradhon remembered

and took her by the sleeve.

‘Don’t,’ Mradhon said, not for love of Mor-am, the gods knew; rather, a deep

unease, in which he wished to disturb nothing, do nothing.

‘What’s this about?’ Moria asked. ‘Answer me, Mor-am.’

‘Stepsons – They – they hired her. They sent – Moria, for Ils’ sake, they had

me locked up, they used me to bargain with – with her.’

‘What are you worth?’ Moria asked.

‘She works for Jubal.’

That hung there on the air, dying of unbelief.

‘She does,’ Mor-am said.

‘And you work for her.’

‘I have to.’ Mor-am turned, amorphous in his cloak, began to vanish among the

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Categories: Asprin, Robert