Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

There was a long sigh as the lady moved at last, and Gilla was not sure from

which of the three of them it had come. A great drop of blood like a cabochon

garnet was welling from Lady Kurrekai’s thumb. She looked around, gesturing to

Vanda with a movement of her head.

‘Get me the little crystal vial fronrthe cabinet – the one with the dipper that

used to hold perfume.’

Vanda got to her feet to obey as Lady Kurrekai faced Gilla again. ‘I have

attempted to transform the venom by altering the nature of my blood, but it must

be used immediately. Scratch your husband’s flesh so that the blood comes and

touch a drop of this to the wound.’ She took the stopper from the vial Vanda was

holding out to her, touched it to the drop of blood, and inserted it back in the

vial with a little shake, squeezed her hand to produce a second drop, and a


‘Go now as I have told you, and quickly.’ She thrust the stopper home firmly and

handed it to Gilla, then delicately licked the smear of blood from her thumb.

‘And remember I warned you – it may fail.’

‘The blessing of the All-Mother be on you. Lady, and be you free of any blame.’

Gilla was already on her feet. ‘At least you were willing to try!’

They hurried down the corridor, Vanda skipping to keep up with her mother’s

longer strides and trying to keep her voice down.

‘Mother, how could you do that? I was terrified! Mother, you could have died!’

Gilla forged ahead silently, while those they encountered scattered from her

path. It was not until they had crossed the Square and passed through the

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Categories: Asprin, Robert