Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

to say no and he looked away. ‘Okay. Thrush, you come with me. Jore, you bellow

if you see something. And Cythen,’ he tossed her a scabbard. ‘Here’s your sword;

redeem yourself.’

They dashed across an open space and flattened themselves against the rough

stucco walls of the building. It had been abandoned for some time. Chunks of

stonework broke loose as they made their way to the gaping doorway. The central

column of stairs to the upper room was only wide enough for one person and

missing a good third of its boards as well. Walegrin drew his Enlibrite sword

and started up them, motioning for the others to remain behind.

He moved smoothly and silently until, while he was raising his leg over two

missing steps, the lower board gave way. The blond man lurched forward, using

his sword for balance, not defence, and another sword swished through the air

above him and bit deep into his arm. Metal began to sing loudly against metal;

green sparks danced in the air. By their faint light it was clear that Walegrin,

with a cut in his shoulder and his legs entangled in the ruins of the stairs,

was taking a beating.

Thrusher shouted outside for help, though with Walegrin wedged in the stairway,

there was no easy way to reach Burek, nor to protect their captain – but there

was one way. While Thrusher watched in surprise, Cythen drew her own sword and

prepared to get up to the second floor by running up and over Walegrin. With a

handful of his hair and one foot planted hard on his thigh, she propelled

herself over him, hoping that the sheer audacity of her move would keep Burek

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Categories: Asprin, Robert