Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

‘Then we’ll honour our side of the bargain. If our forces are drawing unwanted

attention, instruct them to be more subtle with their assistance. There are ways

of helping without openly taking sides in a brawl.’

‘We tried that, and the Stepsons proved inept in battle. You were the one who

said we must do whatever necessary to keep them alive.’

‘Then keep doing it!’ Jubal was suddenly tired of the argument. ‘Saliman, I fear

your dislike of this alliance has slanted your reports. Those “inept” Stepsons

drove our entire force out of our mansion. I find it hard to believe that they

are suddenly unable to survive a simple street skirmish.’

The small snake raised its head to study its captors, then went back to

exploring the confines of its jar with the singleminded intent characteristic of


‘So this is one of the dread beynit,’ Jubal mused, resting his chin on his hands

to study the specimen. ‘The secret weapon of the Beysib.’

‘Not all that secret,’ his aide retorted. ‘I’ve told you of the bodies that have

appeared marked with snakebite. The fish-folk are not always discreet in their

use of their secret weapons.’

‘Let’s not fall victim to our own tricks, Saliman. We were never above

scattering a few extra corpses around to confuse the issue. I don’t think it’s

safe to assume that every snakebit body is the work of the Beysib. You’re sure

this snake won’t be missed?’

‘It cost the life of one of their women, but that’s unimportant. Hers isn’t the

only life they’ve lost lately. They seem remarkably stubborn about not adapting

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Categories: Asprin, Robert