Thieves World 5 – The Face of Chaos by Asprin, Robert

charge you a copper. I’ll give you a name: Hort.’

Samlor frowned. ‘A Beysib?’

The mask trembled negation. ‘Local boy. A fisherman’s son. He and his father got

picked up by Beysib patrols at sea before the invasion. He speaks their language

pretty well – better than any of them I know speaks ours. And I think he’ll help

you if he can.’ The mask hid the speaker’s face, but the smile was in his voice

as well as he added, ‘You needn’t tell him who sent you. He’s not one of mine,

you see.’

Samlor bowed. ‘I couldn’t tell him,’ he said. ‘I don’t know who you are.’ He

reached for the latch of the trap door. ‘I thank you. sir.’

‘Wait a minute,’ called the man behind the desk. Samlor straightened and met the

hooded eyes. ‘Why are you so sure I won’t call down to have you spitted the

moment you’re through this door?’

The Cirdonian shrugged again. ‘Business reasons,’ he said. ‘I’m a businessman

too. I understand risks. You’ll be out of this place-‘ he waved at the dingy

room – ‘before I’m clear of the alley. No need to kill me to save a bolt-hole

that you’ve written off already. And there’s not one chance in a thousand

that I could get past what you have waiting below, but -‘ calloused palm up,

another shrug- ‘in the dark … You have people looking for you, sir, that’s

obvious. But none of them so far would be willing to burn this city down block

by block to flush you, if he had to.’

Samlor reached again for the latch, paused again. ‘Sir,’ he said earnestly, ‘you

may think I’ve lied to you tonight… and perhaps I have. But I’m not lying to

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Categories: Asprin, Robert