TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

thought the meeting was for the BelTek proposal.”

“No, I was taken off that a month ago so I could focus on Triton’s

acquisition of CyberCom. I thought I told you.”

“Why are you meeting them in New York?”

“Nathan Gamble is there this week. He has that penthouse overlooking

the park. Billionaires get their way. So off I go to New York.”

Jason sat up, his face so gray she thought he was going to be sick.

“Jason, what is it?” She gripped his shoulder.

He finally recovered and faced her, his expression an acutely disturbing

one to her–dominated as it was by guilt.

“Sid, I’m not exactly going to L.A. on business for Triton.”

She took her hand off his shoulder and stared at him, her eyes wide with

astonishment. Every suspicion she had dutifully battled during the last

several months now shot back to the surface. Her throat went completely

dry. “What do you mean, Jason?”

“I mean”–he took a deep breath and gripped one of her hands–“I mean,

this trip is not for Triton.”

“Then who exactly is it for?” she demanded, her face flushed.

“For me, us! It’s for us, Sidney.”

Scowling, she sat back against the headboard and crossed her arms.

“Jason, you’re going to tell me what’s going on and you’re going to do

it right now.”

He looked down and played with the bedcovers. She took his chin in her

hand and gave him a searching look. “Jason?” She paused, sensing his

inner struggle. “Pretend it’s Christmas Eve, honey.”

He sighed. “I’m going to L.A. to interview with another firm.”

She took her hand away. “What?”

He spoke quickly. “Allege raPort Technology, they’re one of the largest

specialty software manufacturers in the world. They’ve offered me,

well, they’ve offered me a vice presidency and would be grooming me for

the top spot eventually. Triple my salary, huge year-end bonus, stock

options, beautiful retirement plan, the whole ball game, Sid. A home


Sidney’s face instantly brightened; her shoulders slumped in relief.

“That was your big secret? Jason, that’s wonderful. Why didn’t you

tell me?”

“I didn’t want to put you in an awkward position. You’re Triton’s

counsel, after all. All the late hours at the office? I was trying to

finish up my work. I didn’t want to leave them in the lurch. Triton is

a powerful company; I didn’t want any hard feelings.”

“Honey, there’s no law against your joining another company.

They’d be happy for you.”

“Right!” His bitter tone puzzled her for a moment, but he hurried on

before she had a chance to question him about it. “They’d also pay for

all our relocation expenses. In fact, we’d make a nice profit on this

place, enough to pay off all our bills.”

She stiffened. “Relocation?”

“Allegra’s headquarters are in Los Angeles. That’s where we’d be

moving. If you don’t want me to take it, then I’ll respect your


“Jason, you know my firm has an L.A. office. It’ll be perfect.” She

sat back against the headboard again and stared at the ceiling. She

looked over at him, a twinkle in her eye. “And let’s see, at triple

your current salary, the profit from this house and stock options to

boot, I just might be able to become a full-time mom a littler sooner

than I thought.”

He smiled as she gave him a congratulatory hug. “That’s why I was so

surprised when you told me you were meeting with Triton.”

She looked at him, confused.

“They think I took some time off to work around the house.”

“Oh. Well, sweetie, don’t worry. I’ll play along. You know there’s

attorney-client privilege and then there’s the much stronger privilege

between a horny wife and her big, beautiful husband.” Her soft eyes met

his and she nuzzled her lips against his cheek. He swung his legs over

the side of the bed. “Thanks, babe, I’m glad I told you.”

He shrugged. “Well, I might as well jump in the shower. Maybe I can

accomplish a few things before I leave.”

Before he could stand up, her arms clamped around his waist.

“I’d love to help you accomplish something, Jason.”

He turned his head to look at her. She was now wearing nothing; the

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Categories: Baldacci David