TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci


“Right. The tape gets left behind. They probably did use it to

blackmail her, I’m not arguing with you over that. She would’ve known

they had it, they would’ve had to play it for her to make her know the

threat was real. You think she would’ve left something like that

behind? That’s slam-dunk evidence of enough felonies to keep her in

prison until she’s a hundred. I’m telling you, she or anyone else in

that situation would’ve lifted that damn limo clear up in the air to get

to that tape. No, they let her go for one reason only.”

“To set her up for the killings.” Jackson slowly put his coffee cup


“And maybe to make sure our focus doesn’t wander again.”

“That’s why you wanted the GSR test done.”

Sawyer nodded. “I needed to be sure that one of the dead guys wasn’t

the shooter. You know, there could have been a struggle. From the

looks of it, the wounds were all instantly fatal, but who the hell

really can be sure? Or one of them could have done it and then

committed suicide, for all we know. Freaked out over what he’d done and

decided to blow his own brains out. Then Sidney, in a panic, grabs the

gun and throws it down a sewer drain. But that didn’t happen.

None of the stiffs fired that weapon.”

They sat in prolonged silence before Sawyer stirred. “I’ll let you in

on another secret, Ray. I’m gonna figure this sucker out, even it if

takes me another twenty-five years walking that thin line. And when

that day comes, you’re going to find out something really enlightening.”

“Such as?”

“That Sidney Archer has no more of a clue to what the hell is going on

than you or I do right now. She’s lost her husband, she’s lost her

career, she stands a better than even chance of standing trial for

murder and about a dozen other felonies and spending the rest of her

life in prison. Right now she’s scared out of her wits and running for

her life, not knowing who to trust or believe. Sidney Archer is in fact

something that, if you just looked at the evidence in a superficial

manner, you would conclude she couldn’t possibly be.”

“What’s that?”


“You really think that?”

“No. I know it. I wish I knew something else.”

“What’s that?”

Sawyer stabbed out his cigarette at the same time he let out a final

mouthful of smoke. “Who really killed those three guys.” Sawyer’s mind

drifted away as he said the words. Sidney Archer might know. But where

the hell is she?

As the two rose to leave, Jackson put a hand on Sawyer’s shoulder.

“Hey, Lee, for what it’s worth, I don’t care how long the good guy/bad

guy odds ever get to be. As long as you’re willing to walk the line, I

will too.”


Looking through her binoculars, Sidney surveyed the street in front of

her parents’ house and then checked her watch. Dusk was rapidly

gathering. She shook her head in disbelief. Could the FedEx shipment

have been delayed because of weather? Snowfall in coastal Maine was

usually heavy, and because of its proximity to the ocean, it was usually

very slushy. That often made for hazardous driving conditions when the

slush froze. And where were her parents? The problem was she had no

way to communicate with them while they were traveling. Sidney hurried

to the Land Rover, dialed information on the cellular phone and got the

800 number for Federal Express.

She gave the operator the names and addresses of the sender and

recipient of the package. After Sidney listened to computer keys

clicking, the operating delivered her astonishing answer.

“You mean you have no record of the package?”

“No, ma’am, I mean, according to our records, we didn’t receive the


“But that’s impossible. You had to get it. There must be some mistake.

Please check again.” Sidney listened with growing impatience to the

sounds, once again, of the keyboard. The response was the same.

“Ma’am, perhaps you should check with the sender to make sure the

package was actually sent out.”

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Categories: Baldacci David