TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

was safe. Her parents were safe. Under the circumstances, that was the

absolute best she could do. Good-bye, baby.

Mommy loves you. The tears spilled down her face. Please don’t forget

me, Amy. Please.

Scales lifted up his knife and a smile crept across his face as he

looked down at the glistening blade. Light reflecting off it turned the

metal a harsh reddish color, a color it had been many times in the past.

Scales’s smile receded as he looked down at the source of this colored

light and saw the tiny red laser dot on his chest, and the barely

visible, pencil-thin beam that emanated outward from the dot.

Scales backed away, his shocked eyes fixed on Lee Sawyer, who was

pointing his assault rifle with attached laser scope directly at him.

Bewildered, the mercenaries looked at the weaponry pointed at them by

Sawyer, Jackson, the HRT and a contingent of the Maine State Police.

“Guns down, gentleman, or start looking for your brains on the floor,”

Sawyer bellowed, tightening his grip on the rifle. “Guns down! Now.”

Sawyer took a few more steps into the room, his finger closing on the

trigger. The men started to put down their weapons. Out of the corner

of his eye, Sawyer spotted Quentin Rowe trying to discreetly disappear.

Sawyer swiveled his gun in the computer man’s direction. “Don’t think

so, Mr. Rowe. Sit down!”

A thoroughly frightened Quentin Rowe sat down in a chair, the disk

gripped against his chest. Sawyer looked at Ray Jackson. “Let’s get to

it.” Sawyer started toward Sidney. At that instant a shot rang out and

one of the FBI agents went down. Gunfire erupted as Rowe’s men used the

opportunity to seize their weapons and open fire. The lawmen quickly

dove for cover and returned the fire. Muzzle flashes popped up all over

the room as instant death spewed forth from over a dozen locations. It

took only seconds for every light in the room to be shot out by gunmen

on both sides, plunging the room into total darkness.

Caught in the cross fire, Sidney threw herself to the floor, her hands

over her ears as bullets whizzed overhead.

Sawyer dropped to his knees and scrambled toward Sidney. From the other

direction, Scales, his knife between his teeth, slid on his belly along

the floor toward her. Sawyer reached her first and took her by the hand

to lead her to safety. Sidney screamed as she saw Scales’s blade flash

through the air. Sawyer swung his arm out and took the brunt of the

blow, the knife cutting through his thick jacket and slicing his

forearm. Grunting in pain, he kicked at Scales, losing his balance and

toppling over on his back. Scales pounced on the FBI agent and struck

at his chest twice. The blade, however, met the advanced-stage Teflon

mesh in Sawyer’s body armor head-on and lost decisively. Scales paid

for that defeat with a mouthful of one of Sawyer’s massive fists and one

of Sidney’s elbows slamming into the back of his neck. The man howled

in pain as his already battered mouth and broken nose received an

additional litany of injuries.

Furious, Scales violently threw Sidney off and she slid across the floor

and crashed into a wall. Scales’s fist repeatedly slammed into Sawyer’s

face and then he raised the knife, the center of the FBI agent’s broad

forehead his target. Sawyer clamped his hand around Scales’s wrist and

slowly but surely heaved himself up. Scales felt the amazing strength

in Sawyer’s bulk, raw strength the much smaller man could not hope to

match. Used to his victims being dead before they ever had a chance to

fight back, Scales abruptly discovered he had hooked a very much alive

Great White Shark. Sawyer smashed Scales’s hand against the floor until

the knife went flying into the darkness. Then Sawyer hauled back and

unleashed a haymaker that landed flush on Scales’s face and Scales went

backward across the room, screaming in agony, his nose now lying fiat

against his left cheek.

Ray Jackson was in one corner of the room exchanging fire with two of

the mercenaries. Three of the HRT members had made their way to one of

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Categories: Baldacci David