TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

should have been enough to set off alarm bells in her head. She was

almost at the doorway and could actually see the frosted glass in the

dim light. She gathered her strength and nerve to take a few more

steps, and then she would make her run. Five more feet. Now she was

almost at the exit. Flattened against the wall, she slowly began to

count to three.

She never made it past one.

The bright lights blinded her. By the time she refocused, the man was

right next to her. Pupils dilating, she instinctively swung the pistol

in his direction.

“My God, have you lost your mind?” Philip Goldman blinked rapidly to

adjust to the new level of brightness.

Sidney gaped at him.

“What the devil do you mean, sneaking in here like this? With a gun, no


Sidney stopped shaking and straightened up. “I’m a partner in this

firm, Philip. I have every right to be here.” Her voice was trembling,

but she met his gaze forcefully.

Goldman’s voice was sneering. “Not for long, though.” He withdrew an

envelope from his inner pocket. “Actually, this will save the firm the

cost of a messenger.” He held out the envelope to Sidney.

“Your termination from the firm. If you would kindly just sign it now,

it would save everyone a great deal of trouble and rid the firm of an

enormous embarrassment.”

Sidney did not take the envelope but kept her eyes and the pistol on


Goldman fingered the envelope before glancing at the pistol.

“Would you mind putting away that gun before you add additional crimes

to your resume?”

“I haven’t done a damn thing, and you know it.” She spat the words out.

Goldman rolled his eyes. “Of course. I’m sure you were entirely

ignorant of your loving husband’s nefarious schemes.”

“Jason hasn’t done anything wrong either.”

“Well, I’m not going to argue with you while you have a firearm pointed

at me. Would you please put it away?”

Finally Sidney began to lower the 9mm. Then something occurred to her.

Who had turned on the lights? Goldman hadn’t been anywhere near a


Before she had time to react, a strong hand gripped her arm and the

pistol was violently jerked from her. A powerful force slammed into her

and she was thrown up against a wall. She sank down to the floor, her

head splitting with pain from the impact. When she looked up, a burly

man dressed in a black chauffeur’s uniform stood over her, pointing her

own pistol at her head. From behind the gunman, another man appeared.

“Hello, Sid. Gotten anymore phone calls from dead husbands lately?”

Paul Brophy laughed.

Shaking, Sidney managed to stand up and lean against the wall while she

tried to get her breath back.

Goldman looked over at the burly man. “Good work, Parker. You can go

get the car. We’ll be down in a few minutes.”

Parker nodded and put Sidney’s pistol in his coat pocket. She noted

that he carried a holstered gun of his own. Much to her dismay, he

picked up her purse from the floor where it had fallen during the brief

struggle and strode off.

“You’ve been following me!”

“I like to know the after-hours comings and goings at the firm: an

electronic tap on the entry system to the building. I was quite pleased

when I saw your name come over the log at one-thirty ^.M.”

He looked at the shelves of legal tomes. “Doing some legal research, or

perhaps following your husband’s example and trying to steal some

secrets?” Sidney would have hit Goldman flush in the face with her fist

if Paul Brophy hadn’t been too quick for her.

Goldman was unruffled. “Perhaps now we can get down to business.”

Sidney made a move to lunge through the doorway; Brophy blocked her way,

however, pushing her back into the library. Sidney stared a hole

through him. “Going from partner in a major firm to burglary in a New

Orleans hotel is a big swing, Paul.” Brophy’s smile disappeared.

Sidney looked over at Goldman. “If I scream right now, someone might

hear me.”

Goldman responded coolly. “Actually, Sidney, you may have forgotten,

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Categories: Baldacci David