TOTAL CONTROL By: David Baldacci

presumably changes the plan on him. Second, we have Arthur Lieberman on

the same flight.” Sawyer glanced at Jackson.

“The man went to L.A. every month, like clockwork, same airline, same

flight each month, right?”

Jackson, eyes narrowed to slits, nodded slowly. Each agent was

unconsciously leaning forward as they followed Sawyer’s logic.

“So the odds of the guy being on the flight by accident are so high it’s

not worth debating. Looking at it cold, Lieberman had to be the target,

unless we’re missing something really big. Now put the two pieces

together. Initially, our bombers may have tried to make it look like an

accident. Then the fueler ends up dead. “Why?” Sawyer looked sharply

around the room.

David Long finally spoke up. “Couldn’t risk it. Maybe the chances are

it goes down like an accident, and maybe not. They can’t wait around

until the papers report it one way or another. They have to take the

guy out right away. Besides, if the original plan was to have the guy

take a hike, him not showing for work would raise suspicion.

Even if we didn’t think sabotage, the guy skipping town would sure as

hell turn us in that direction.”

“Agreed,” Sawyer replied. “But if you want the trail to end there, why

not make it look like the fueler’s some fanatical zealot? Put a bullet

into his temple, leave the gun and some BS suicide note behind filled

with I-hate-America language and let us think the guy’s a loner. You

fill him full of holes, leave behind evidence pointing to the guy

getting ready to run, now we know there are others involved.

Why the hell bring yourself that kind of trouble?” Sawyer rubbed his


The other agents leaned back in their chairs, looking confused.

Sawyer finally looked at Jackson. “Any word from the ME on our dead


“They promised a top priority. We’ll know soon.”

“Anything else turn up at the guy’s apartment?”

“One thing that didn’t turn up, Lee.”

Sawyer flashed a knowing look. “No I.D. docs.”

“Yep,” Jackson said. “Guy getting ready to hit the road after blowing

up a plane will not be running as himself. Way this was probably

planned out, he had to have phony docs, good phony docs ready.”

“True, Ray, but he could’ve had them stashed someplace else.”

“Or whoever killed him might’ve taken them too,” Barracks ventured.

“No argument there,” Sawyer said.

On those words the door to the SIOC opened and through it stepped Marsha

Reid. Petite and motherly looking, with salt and pepper hair cut short

and glasses riding on a chain over her black dress, she was one of the

bureau’s top fingerprint personnel. Reid had tracked down some of the

worst criminals on the planet through the esoteric world of arches,

loops and whorls.

Marsha nodded to the other agents in the room and then sat down and

opened the file she had carried in.

“AFIS results, hot off the presses,” she said, her tone businesslike but

laced with a touch of humor. “Robert Sinclair was actually Joseph

Philip Riker, currently wanted in Texas and Arkansas on murder and

related weapons charges. His arrest sheet is three pages long. His

first arrest was for armed robbery at age sixteen. His last was for

second-degree murder. He served seven years. Was released five years

ago. Since then he’s been implicated in numerous crimes, including two

murders-for-hire. An extremely dangerous man. His trail went cold

about eighteen months ago. Not a peep from him since. Until now.”

Every agent at the table looked stunned.

“How does a guy like that get a job fueling planes?” Sawyer’s tone was


Jackson answered the query. “I spoke with representatives from Vector.

They’re a reputable company. Sinclair–or, rather, Riker had been with

them only about a month. He had excellent credentials.

Worked at several aircraft fueling companies in the Northwest and in

southern California. They did a background check on him, under the name

Sinclair, of course. Everything came out okay. They were as stunned by

this as anyone else.”

“What about fingerprints? They.had to check his fingerprints.

That would’ve told them who the guy really was.”

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Categories: Baldacci David