WATCHERS by Dean R. Koontz

The retriever left the table and padded into the pantry. They could hear the

pumping of the letter-dispensing pedals.

Nora went to see what message Einstein was composing.


His desire to be free of the tattoo went deeper than Nora had thought. He wanted

the mark removed in order to escape identification by the people at the lab. But

evidently he also hated carrying those three numbers in his ear because they

marked him as mere property, a condition that was an affront to his dignity and

a violation of his rights as an intelligent creature.


“Yes,” Nora said respectfully, putting a hand on his head, “I do understand. You

are a . . . a person, and a person with”—this was the first time she had thought

of this aspect of the situation—”a soul.”

Was it blasphemous to think Einstein had a soul? No. She did not think blasphemy

entered into it. Man had made the dog; however, if there was a God, He obviously

approved of Einstein—not least of all because Einstein’s ability to

differentiate right from wrong, his ability to love, his courage, and his

selflessness made him closer to the image of God than were many human beings who

walked the earth.

“Freedom,” she said. “If you’ve got a soul—and I know you do—then you were born

with free will and the right to self-determination. The number in your ear is an

insult, and we’ll get rid of it.”

After dinner, Einstein clearly wanted to monitor—and participate in—the

conversation, but he ran out of energy and slept by the fire.

Over a short brandy and coffee, Jim Keene listened as Travis outlined their

defenses against The Outsider. Encouraged to find holes in their preparations,

the vet could think of nothing except the vulnerability of their power supply.

“If the thing was smart enough to bring down the line that runs in from the main

highway, it could plunge you into darkness in the middle of the night and render

your alarm useless. And without power those tricky mechanisms in the barn

wouldn’t slam the door behind the beast or release the nitrous oxide.”

Nora and Travis took him downstairs, into the half-basement under the rear of

the house, to show him the emergency generator. It was powered by a forty-gallon

tank of gasoline buried in the yard, and it would restore electricity to the

house and barn and alarm system after only a ten-second delay following the loss

of the main supply.

“As far as I can see,” Jim said, “you’ve thought of everything.”

“I think we have, too,” Nora said.

But Travis scowled. “I wonder . .

On Wednesday, December 22, they drove into Carmel. Leaving Einstein with Jim

Keene, they spent the day buying Christmas gifts, decorations for the house,

ornaments for a tree, and the tree itself.

With the threat of The Outsider moving inexorably closer to them, it seemed

almost frivolous to make plans for the holiday. But Travis said, “Life is short.

You never know how much time you’ve got left, so you can’t let Christmas slide

by without celebrating, no matter what. Besides, my Christmases haven’t been so

terrific these last few years. I intend to make up for that.”

“Aunt Violet didn’t believe in making an event of Christmas. She didn’t believe

in exchanging gifts or putting up a tree.”

“She didn’t believe in life,” Travis said. “And that’s just one more reason to

do this Christmas up right. It’ll be your first good one, as well as Einstein’s


Starting next year, Nora thought, there’ll be a baby in the house with which to

share Christmas, and won’t that be a hoot!

Aside from suffering a little mild morning sickness and having put on a couple

of pounds, she’d not yet shown any signs of pregnancy. Her belly was still flat,

and Dr. Weingold said that, considering her body type, she had a chance of being

one of those women whose abdomen underwent only moderate distension. She hoped

she was lucky in that regard because, after the birth, getting back into shape

would be a lot easier. Of course, the baby was not due for six months yet, which

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Categories: Koontz, Dean