WATCHERS by Dean R. Koontz

she did understand it, she would be as insane as he clearly was.

But though she did not always grasp his meaning, she knew what he intended to do

to her and to Travis once he had the retriever. At first, she was afraid of

speaking about her fate, as if putting it into words would somehow make it

irrevocable. At last, however, when they were no more than five miles from the

dirt lane that turned off the highway and led up to the bleached-wood house, she

said, “You won’t let us go when you’ve got the dog, will you?”

He stared at her, caressing her with his gaze. “What do you think, Nora?”

“I think you’ll kill us.”

“Of course.”

She was surprised that his confirmation of her fears did not fill her with

greater terror. His smug response only infuriated her, damping her fear while

increasing her determination to spoil his neat plans.

She knew, then, that she was a radically changed woman from the Nora of last

May, who would have been reduced to uncontrollable shudders by this man’s bold


“I could run this truck right off the road, take my chances with an accident,”

she said.

“The moment you pulled on the wheel,” he said, “I’d have to shoot you and then

try to regain control.”

“Maybe you couldn’t. Maybe you’d die, too.”

“Me? Die? Maybe. But not in anything as minor as a traffic accident. No, no.

I’ve got too many lives in me to go that easily. And I don’t believe you’ll try

it anyway. In your heart of hearts, you believe that man of yours will pull a

sharp one, save you and the dog and himself. You’re wrong, of course, but you

can’t stop believing in him. He won’t do anything because he’ll be afraid of

hurting you. I’ll go in there with a gun in your belly, and that will paralyze

him long enough for me to blow his head off. That’s why I’ve only got the

revolver. It’s all I need. His caring for you, his fear of hurting you, will get

him killed.”

Nora decided it was very important that she not let her fury show. She must try

to look frightened, weak, utterly unsure of herself. If he underestimated her,

he might slip up and give her some small advantage.

Taking her eyes off the rainy highway for only a second, she glanced at him and

saw that he was staring at her not with amusement or psychopathic rage, as she

would have expected, and not with his usual bovine placidity either, but with

something that looked very much like affection and maybe gratitude.

“I’ve dreamed for years of killing a pregnant woman,” he said, as if that was a

goal no less worthwhile and commendable than wanting to build a business empire

or feed the hungry or nurse the sick. “I have never been in a situation where

the risk of killing a pregnant woman was low enough to justify it. But in that

isolated house of yours, once I’ve dealt with Cornell, the conditions will be


“Please, no,” she said shakily, playing the weakling, though she didn’t have to

fake the nervous quiver in her voice.

Still speaking calmly but with a trace more emotion than before, he said,

“There’ll be your life energy, still young and rich, but in the instant you die,

I’ll also receive the energy of the child. And that’ll be perfectly pure,

unused, a life that’s unsoiled by the many contaminants of this sick and

degenerate world. You’re my first pregnant woman, Nora, and I’ll always remember


Tears shimmered at the corners of her eyes, which was not just good acting,

either. Although she did believe Travis would find some way to handle this man,

she was afraid that, in the turmoil, she or Einstein would die. And she did not

know how Travis would be able to cope with his failure to save all of them.

“Don’t despair, Nora,” Vince said. “You and your baby will not entirely cease to

exist. You’ll both become a part of me, and in me you’ll live forever.”

Travis took the first tray of cookies out of the oven and put them on a rack to

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Categories: Koontz, Dean