WATCHERS by Dean R. Koontz

rooms. There would be no wood, no stone or brick, no textured surfaces to

provide the visual “warmth” that other people seemed to prize. The furniture

would be built to his specifications, with several coats of glossy white enamel,

upholstered in white vinyl. The only deviations that he would permit from all

those shiny white surfaces would be the necessary use of glass and highly

polished steel. Then, there, thus encapsulated, he would at last feel at peace

and at home for the first time in his life.

Now, after unpacking his suitcase, he went down to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Tuna fish. Three hard-boiled eggs. Half a dozen rye crackers. Two apples and an

orange. A bottle of Gatorade.

The kitchen had a small table and one chair in the corner, but he ate upstairs

in the sparsely furnished master bedroom. He sat in a chair at the window that

faced west. The ocean was only a block away, on the other side of the Coast

Highway and beyond a wide public beach, and from the second floor he could see

the rolling water.

The sky was partially overcast, so the sea was dappled with sunshine and

shadows. In some places it looked like molten chrome, but in other places it

might have been a surging mass of dark blood.

The day was warm, though it looked strangely cold, wintry.

Staring at the ocean, he always felt that the ebb and flow of blood through his

veins and arteries was in perfect sympathy with the rhythm of the tides.

When he finished eating, he sat for a while in communion with the sea, crooning

to himself, looking through his faint reflection on the glass as if peering

through the wall of an aquarium, although he felt himself to be within the ocean

even now, far beneath the waves in a clean, cool, endless world of silence.

Later in the afternoon, he drove his van to Irvine and located Banodyne

Laboratories. Banodyne was set against the backdrop of the Santa Ana Mountains.

The company had two buildings on a multiple-acre lot that was surprisingly large

in an area of such expensive real estate: one L-shaped two-story structure and a

larger V-shaped single story with only a few narrow Windows that made it look

fortresslike. Both were very modern in design, a striking mix of flat planes and

sensuous curves faced in dark green and gray marble, quite attractive.

Surrounded by an employee parking lot and by immense expanses of well-maintained

grass, shaded by a few palms and coral trees, the buildings were actually larger

than they appeared to be, for their true scale was distorted and diminished by

that enormous piece of flat land.

The fire had been confined to the V-shaped building that housed the labs. The

only indications of destruction were a few broken windows and soot Stains on the

marble above those narrow openings.

The property was not walled or fenced, so Vince could have walked onto it from

the street if he had wished, although there was a simple gate and

guard booth at the three-lane entrance road. Judging by the guard’s sidearm and

by the subtly forbidding look of the building that housed the research

labs, Vince suspected the lawns were monitored electronically and that, at

night, sophisticated alarm systems would alert watchmen to an intruder’s

presence before he had taken more than a few steps across the grass. The

arsonist must have been skilled at more than setting fires; he must also have

had a wide knowledge of security systems.

Vince cruised past the place, then turned and drove by from the other direction.

Like spectral presences, cloud shadows moved slowly across the lawn and slid up

the walls of the buildings. Something about Banodyne gave it a

portentous—perhaps even slightly ominous—look. And Vince did not think that he

was letting his view of the place be unduly colored by the research that he knew

to have been conducted there.

He drove home to Huntington Beach.

Having gone to Banodyne in the hope that seeing the place would help him decide

how to proceed, he was disappointed. He still did not know what to do next. He

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Categories: Koontz, Dean