WATCHERS by Dean R. Koontz

unaware of both conditions until Travis reached out from his chair to put one

hand consolingly upon her shoulder. She fumbled in her purse for a handkerchief.

“I’m sorry.”

“Dear lady,” Garrison said, “don’t apologize for breaking through that iron

shell you’ve been in all your life. This is the first time I’ve seen you show a

strong emotion, the first time I’ve seen you in any condition other than extreme

shyness, and it’s lovely to behold.” Turning to Travis, giving Nora time to blot

her eyes, he said, “What more did you hope to hear me say?”

“There are some things Nora doesn’t know, things she ought to know and that I

don’t believe would violate even your strict code of client privilege if you

were to divulge them.”

“Such as?”

Travis said, “Violet Devon never worked yet lived reasonably well, never in

want, and she left enough funds to keep Nora pretty much for the rest of her

life, at least as long as Nora stays in that house and lives like a recluse.

Where did her money come from?”

“Come from?” Garrison sounded surprised. “Nora knows that, surely.”

“But she doesn’t,” Travis said.

Nora looked up and saw Garrison Dilworth staring at her in astonishment. He

blinked and said, “Violet’s husband was moderately well-to-do. He died quite

young, and she inherited everything.”

Nora gaped at him and could barely find sufficient breath to speak. “Husband?”

“George Olmstead,” the attorney said.

“I’ve never heard that name.”

Garrison blinked rapidly again, as if sand had blown in his face. “She never

mentioned a husband?”


“But didn’t a neighbor ever mention—”

“We had nothing to do with our neighbors,” Nora said. “Violet didn’t approve of


“And in fact,” Garrison said, “now that I think about it, there might have been

new neighbors on both sides by the time you came to live with Violet.”

Nora blew her nose and put away her handkerchief. She was still trembling. Her

sudden sense of release from bondage had generated powerful emotions, but now

they subsided somewhat to make room for curiosity.

“All right?” Travis asked.

She nodded, then stared hard at him and said, “You knew, didn’t you? About the

husband, I mean. That’s why you brought me here.”

“I suspected,” Travis said. “If she’d inherited everything from her parents, she

would have mentioned it. The fact that she didn’t talk about where the money

came from . . . well, it seemed to me to leave only one possibility— a husband,

and very likely a husband with whom she’d had troubles. Which made even more

sense when you think about how down she was on people in general and on men in


The attorney was so dismayed and agitated that he could not sit still. He got up

and paced past an enormous antique globe that was lighted from within and seemed

made of parchment. “I’m flabbergasted. So you never really understood why she

was bitterly misanthropic, why she suspected everyone of having her worst

interests at heart?”

“No,” Nora said. “I didn’t need to know why, I guess. It was just the way she


Still pacing, Garrison said, “Yes. That’s true. I’m convinced she was a

borderline paranoid even in her youth. And then, when she discovered that George

had betrayed her with other women, the switch clicked all the way over in her.

She got much worse after that.”

Travis said, “Why did Violet still use her maiden name, Devon, if she’d been

married to Olmstead?”

“She didn’t want his name any more. Loathed the name. She sent him packing, very

nearly drove him out of the house with a stick! She was about to divorce him

when he died,” Garrison said. “She had learned about his affairs with other

women, as I’ve said. She was furious. Ashamed and enraged. I must say. . . I

can’t entirely blame poor George because I don’t think he,

found much love and affection at home. He knew the marriage was a mistake within

a month of the wedding.”

Garrison paused beside the globe, one hand resting lightly on top of the world,

staring far into the past. Ordinarily, he did not look his age. Now, as he gazed

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Categories: Koontz, Dean