WATCHERS by Dean R. Koontz

middle of New York City, and she needed time to absorb and process all that had

happened to her.

Having walked to the café from her house, where Travis had left his pickup

truck, they now made the return trip on foot, and Nora held the dog’s leash all

the way. Einstein never tried to pull away from her, never tangled the leash

around her legs, but padded along at her side or in front of her, docile, now

and then looking up at her with a sweet expression that made her smile.

“He’s a good dog,” she said. “Very good,” Travis agreed. “So well behaved.”


“And so cute.”

“Don’t flatter him too much.”

“Are you afraid he’ll become vain?”

“He’s already vain,” Travis said. “If he were any more vain, he’d be impossible

to live with.”

The dog looked back and up at Travis, and sneezed loudly as if ridiculing his

master’s comment.

Nora laughed. “Sometimes it almost seems he can understand every word you’re


“Sometimes,” Travis agreed.

When they arrived at the house, Nora wanted to invite him in. But she wasn’t

sure if the invitation would seem too bold, and she was afraid Travis would

misinterpret it. She knew she was being a nervous old maid, knew she could—and

ought to—trust him, but Aunt Violet suddenly loomed in her memory, full of dire

warnings about men, and Nora could not bring herself to do what she knew was

right. The day had been perfect, and she dreaded extending it further for fear

something would happen to sully the entire memory, leaving her with nothing

good, so she merely thanked him for lunch and did not even dare to shake his


She did, however, stoop down and hug the dog. Einstein nuzzled her neck and

licked her throat once, making her giggle. She had never heard herself giggle

before. She would have clung to him and petted him for hours if her enthusiasm

for the dog had not, by comparison, made her wariness of Travis even more


Standing in the open door, she watched them as they got into the pickup and

drove away.

Travis waved at her.

She waved, too.

Then the truck reached the corner and began to turn right, out of sight, and

Nora regretted her cowardice, wished she’d asked Travis in for a while. She

almost ran after them, almost shouted his name and almost rushed down

the steps to the sidewalk in pursuit. But then the truck was gone, and she was

alone again. Reluctantly, she went into the house and closed the door on the

brighter world outside.


The Bell JetRanger executive helicopter flashed over the tree-filled ravines and

balding ridges of the Santa Ana foothills, its shadow running ahead of it

because the sun was in the west as Friday afternoon waned. Approaching the head

of Holy Jim Canyon, Lemuel Johnson looked out the window in the passenger

compartment and saw four of the county sheriff’s squad cars lined up along the

narrow dirt lane down there. A couple of other vehicles, including the coroner’s

wagon and a Jeep Cherokee that probably belonged to the victim, were parked at

the stone cabin. The pilot had barely enough room to put the chopper down in the

clearing. Even before the engine died and the sun-bronzed rotors began to slow,

Lem was out of the craft, hurrying toward the cabin, with his right-hand man,

Cliff Soames, close behind him.

Walt Gaines, the county sheriff, stepped out of the cabin as Lem approached.

Gaines was a big man, six-four and at least two hundred pounds, with enormous

shoulders and a barrel chest. His corn-yellow hair and cornflower-blue eyes

would have lent him a movie-idol look if his face had not been so broad and his

features blunt. He was fifty-five, looked forty, and wore his hair only slightly

longer than he had during his twenty years in the Marine Corps.

Although Lem Johnson was a black man, every bit as dark as Walt was white,

though he was seven inches shorter and sixty pounds lighter than Walt, though he

had come from an upper-middle-class black family while Walt’s folks had been

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Categories: Koontz, Dean