Waylander II by David A. Gemmell

‘I could hazard a guess,’ said the newcomer. ‘There are Brotherhood knights in all three camps. I think there is a deeper game being played.’

Matze nodded. ‘You could be right, Dakeyras. Zhu Chao has become more powerful in these last few months: only yesterday a decree from the Emperor was published bearing the royal seal, but Zhu Chao’s signature. Worrying times. Still, that should not affect business. Now how can I help you?’

‘I have an enemy in Gulgothir who desires my death.’

Then kill him and be done with it.’

‘I intend to. But I will need information.’

‘Everything is available in Gulgothir, my friend. You know that. Who is this . . . unwise person?’

‘A countryman of yours, Matze Chai. We have already spoken of him. He has a palace here and is close to the Emperor.’

Matze Chai licked his lips nervously. ‘I do hope this is merely a bad jest.’ The newcomer shook his head. ‘You realise his home is guarded by men and demons, and that his powers are very great. He could even now be watching us.’


‘Aye, he could. But there’s nothing I can do about that.’

‘What do you need?’

‘I need a plan of the palace, and an estimate of the numbers of guards and their placements.’

Matze sighed. ‘You are asking a great deal, my friend. If I aid you and you are captured – and confess – then my life would be forfeit.’

‘Indeed it would.’

Twenty-five thousand Raq,’ said Matze Chai.

‘Drenai or Gothir?’ countered the newcomer.

‘Gothir. The Drenai Raq has suffered in recent months.’

‘That is close to the sum I have invested with you.’

‘No, my friend, that is exactly the sum you have invested with me.’

‘Your friendship carries a high price, Matze Chai.’

‘I know of a man who was once a member of the Brotherhood, but he became overly addicted to Lorassium. He is a former captain of Zhu Chao’s guard. And there are two others who once served the man we speak of and will be helpful with information as to his habits.’

‘Send for them in the morning,’ said Waylander, rising. ‘And now I shall take the bath – and the massage. Oh, one small point. Before I visited you I went to another merchant who invests for me. I left him with sealed instructions. If I do not collect them tomorrow by noon he will open them and act upon the contents.’

‘I take it,’ said Matze, with a tight smile, ‘we are talking about a contract for my death?’

‘I have always liked you, Matze. You have a sharp mind.’

This speaks of a certain lack of trust,’ said Matze Chai, aggrieved.

‘I trust you with my money, my friend. Let that be sufficient.’

The Gothir attacked three times in the night, twice trying to scale the walls but the third time launching their assault on the portcullis. The Nadir sent volley after volley of arrows


into the attackers, but to little effect. Hundreds of soldiers clustered around the portcullis making a wall of shields against the rusted iron, while other men hacked and sawed at the metal bars.

Orsa Khan, the tall half-breed, threw lantern-oil over the barricade of carts and wagons and set fire to the base. Thick black smoke swirled around the gateway, and the attackers were driven back. On the walls Dardalion and the last of the Thirty battled alongside Nadir warriors, repelling assaults.

By dawn the last of the attacks had ceased and Dardalion made his way back through the hall, leaving Vishna and the others on the ramparts. He tried to commune with Ekodas, but could not break through the wall of power emanating from below the castle. He found Kesa Khan alone in his high room, the old shaman standing by the crooked window staring out over the valley.

‘Three more days is all we have,’ said Dardalion.

Kesa Khan shrugged. ‘Much can happen in three days, Drenai.’

Dardalion unbuckled his silver breastplate, pulling it clear. Removing his helm he sat down on the rug by the glowing brazier.

Kesa Khan joined him. ‘You are tired, priest.’

‘I am,’ admitted Dardalion. “The paths of the future drained me.’

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Categories: David Gemmell