Waylander II by David A. Gemmell

‘We are One!’ shouted Vishna.

And thirty swords were raised high, glittering like torches.

Karnak strode through the cheering troops, smiling and waving. Three times he stopped to exchange a few words with individual soldiers whose names he remembered. It was this common touch that endeared him to the men, and he knew it. Behind him walked two officers of his general staff. Gan


Asten, a former low-ranking officer promoted by Karnak during the civil war, was now one of the most powerful commanders in the Drenai army. Beside him was Dun Galen, nominally Karnak’s aide, but in reality the man whose network of spies kept Karnak’s hand on the reins of power.

Karnak reached the end of the line and stooped to enter the tent. Asten and Galen followed him. The two guards extended their lances across the opening, signalling that the Lord Protector was not to be disturbed, and the soldiers drifted back to their campfires.

Inside Karnak’s smile vanished. ‘Where in the devil’s name is he?’ he snapped.

The skeletally thin Galen shrugged. ‘He was in the palace and reportedly told his guards he would be visiting friends. That was the last they saw of him. Later, when his room was searched they found he had taken several changes of clothing and had also stolen gold from Varachek’s vault – some two hundred Raq. Since then there has been no sign.’

‘He was living in fear of Waylander,’ said Asten. ‘Every sound in the night, every banging shutter.’

‘Waylander is a dead man!’ roared Karnak. ‘Could he not trust me with that? By Shemak’s balls, he’s one man. One!’

‘And still alive,’ pointed out Asten.

‘Don’t say it!’ stormed Karnak. ‘I know you advised me against bringing in the Guild, but how in the name of all that’s holy did we arrive at this mess? One girl dies – an accident. And yet it has cost me damn near twenty thousand in gold – money I can ill-afford to lose – and seen my son scurrying away like a frightened rabbit!’

‘There is a troop of lancers hunting him even as we speak, sir,’ said the black-garbed Galen. They will bring him in.’

Til believe that, old lad, when I see it,’ grunted Karnak.

‘The Guild has proved a disappointment,’ pointed out Asten, quietly.

Karnak grinned. ‘Well, when the war is over I’ll close


them down and get the money back. One of the advantages of power.’ The smile faded. Three wives, scores of willing women, and what do I get? Bodalen. What did I do to deserve such a son, eh, Asten?’

Wisely Gan Asten chose not to reply, but Galen stepped in swiftly. ‘He has many talents, sir. He is highly thought of. He is just young and headstrong. I’m sure he didn’t intend the girl to die. It was just sport, young men chasing a filly.’

‘Until she fell and broke her neck,’ grunted Asten, his florid face expressionless.

‘An accident!’ responded Galen, flashing a murderous glance at the general.

‘It wasn’t an accident when they killed her husband.’

‘The man ran at them with a sword. They defended themselves. What else would you expect from Drenai noblemen?’

‘I would not know of the ways of noblemen, Galen. My father was a farmer. But I expect you are correct. When drunken young nobles set off on a quest for rape one should not be surprised when they turn to murder.’

‘Enough of this,’ said Karnak. ‘What’s past is past. I’d cut off my right arm to bring the girl back – but she’s dead. And her former guardian is alive. Neither of you know Waylander. I do. You would not want him hunting you-or your sons.’

‘As you said yourself, sir, he is only one man,’ said Galen, his voice softening, but still sibilant. ‘And Bodalen is not even in the realm.’

Karnak sat down on a canvas-covered stool. ‘I liked Waylander, you know,’ he said quietly. ‘He stood up to me.’ He chuckled. ‘He went into Nadir lands and fought off tribesmen, demonic beasts and the Vagrian Brotherhood. Amazing!’ He glanced up at Galen. ‘But he has to die. I can’t let him slay my son.’

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Categories: David Gemmell