Waylander II by David A. Gemmell

‘It’s as good as any other.’

Miriel walked away. Waylander moved to the dead fire and sat down in the broad leather chair. Angel entered, half-carrying Senta. Blood was streaming from the man’s broken nose, and his eyes were swollen half-shut. Angel lowered him to the bench-seat at the table. Senta sagged forward, blood dripping to the wood. Angel found a cloth, which he passed to the man. Senta held it to his face.

Angel moved in close to Waylander and whispered, ‘Why is Belash still among the living?’

‘A whim,’ answered Waylander.

‘Whims like that can kill you. They’re not like people, they’re savages spawned by demons. I think you have made a bad mistake.’

‘I’ve made mistakes before. Time will tell about this one.’ He stepped alongside Senta. ‘Lie back along the bench,’ he ordered. ‘The blood will stop faster that way.’

‘I thank you for your concern,’ muttered the swordsman thickly.

Waylander sat beside him. ‘Be advised. Do not come against me again.’

Senta dropped the blood-covered cloth and sniffed


loudly. ‘You taught me a valuable lesson,’ he said, forcing a smile. ‘I shall not forget it.’

Waylander stood and strode from the cabin. Angel followed him. ‘You have not asked me why I wanted him alive.’

‘I don’t care,’ replied Waylander, kneeling and patting the hound, which had stretched out in the shade. The dog gave a low growl and arched its neck. Waylander rubbed its muzzle. ‘It is not important, Angel.’

‘It is to me. I am in your debt.’

‘How is Miriel progressing?’

‘Better than she was. And I don’t want your ten thousand.’

Waylander shrugged. ‘Take it. I won’t miss it.’

‘That’s not the point, damn you!’

‘Why so angry?’

‘Where are you going from here?’ countered Angel.


‘May I come with you?’

‘Why?’ asked Waylander, genuinely surprised.

‘I have nowhere else to go. And I can still train Miriel.’

Waylander nodded, and was silent for several moments. ‘Did anything happen while I was away – between the two of you, I mean?’

Angel reddened. ‘Nothing! Gods, man, my boots are older than her!’

‘She could do worse, Angel. And I must find her a husband.’

‘That won’t take long. She’s a lovely girl, and I guess it will be good to know she’s safe like her sister.’

‘Her sister is dead,’ said Waylander, fighting to remain calm, his voice barely above a whisper. Once more Krylla’s face came back to him, and he felt a cold, berserk rage building. ‘That’s why they are hunting me,’ he went on. ‘Karnak’s son killed her. The Lord Protector paid the assassins because he fears I’ll hunt down the boy.’

‘Gods of Mercy! I didn’t know it was Krylla,’ said Angel. ‘There was a trial, but the victim was not even named. Bodalen was exiled for a year.’


‘A harsh punishment indeed.’

‘But you’re not going after him?’

Waylander took a deep calming breath. ‘I am heading north,’ he answered. Travelling to Gothir.’

‘It’s probably wise,’ agreed Angel. ‘You cannot go against the whole Drenai army. But you do surprise me -1 thought you would have put vengeance above everything else.’

‘Perhaps age is making me mellow.’

Angel grinned. ‘You didn’t look too mellow when you downed Senta. And where in Hell’s name did you find that dog? It’s the ugliest beast I’ve ever seen. Look at those scars!’

‘Bear-fighter,’ said Waylander. ‘Retired – just like you.’

Senta, his nose swollen, his nostrils stained with blood, moved out into the sunlight, just as Angel knelt to pet the dog.

‘You know, Angel,’ said the swordsman, ‘the resemblance is striking. If your own mother were to appear in our midst she wouldn’t know which of you to call in for dinner.’

‘The nose is an improvement – and it’s bleeding again,’ replied Angel, turning away and reaching out to the hound. Its fangs showed and a low snarl sounded. Angel drew back and stood.

Senta sniffed and spat blood to the dust, then walked past the two men and retrieved the sabre that was still lying in the dust. With the weapon in his hand he strolled back to Waylander. ‘Mercy is a rare beast,’ he said. ‘You think it was wise to let me live?’

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Categories: David Gemmell