Waylander II by David A. Gemmell

“The assassin has slain nine of my knights. You understand? Men of great power.’

Bodalen licked his lips. ‘I can’t explain it, my lord. My father talked of him often. He said nothing about magic.’

Zhu Chao fell silent. What reason would Waylander have for coming to his palace, save to kill Bodalen? If Karnak’s son were no longer here … He smiled at the young Drenai. ‘He will not thwart us,’ he said. ‘Now there is something you can do for me, my boy.’

‘Gladly, my lord.’

‘I want you to ride into the Mountains of the Moon. I will give you a map to follow. There is a fortress of great antiquity there, a curious place. There are many tunnels below it, and chambers rilled with gold and jewels, so it is said. Take ten men, and plentiful supplies, and move into the fortress. Find a hiding place in the underground caverns. Within the next few weeks Kesa Khan will journey there. When he does, you can emerge and kill him.’

‘There will be many Nadir warriors with him,’ objected the younger man.

Zhu Chao smiled thinly. ‘Life offers many dangers, Bodalen, and a brave man can overcome them all. It would please me if you agreed to undertake this small quest.’

‘You know I would give my life for the cause, my lord. It is just. . .’

‘Yes, yes,’ snapped Zhu Chao, ‘I understand. You were born with the looks of your father and none of his courage. Well, know this, Bodalen: at his side you were of great use to me. Here, as a runaway, you are valueless. Do not make the mistake of displeasing me.’

Bodalen paled. ‘Of course not, my lord. I… I would be happy to … a map, you say?’


‘You shall have a map, and ten trustworthy men. Very trustworthy. And if you do this successfully, Bodalen, you will be rewarded beyond your desires. You will become King over all the Drenai.’

Bodalen nodded and smiled. ‘I will serve you well, my lord. And you are wrong: I do not lack courage. I will prove it to you.’

‘Of course, my boy. Forgive me, I spoke in anger. Now go and prepare for the journey.’

Ekodas led Shia through the dining-hall and up through the second and third levels to where Dardalion sat in his study. The young priest tapped at the door.

‘Enter,’ called the Abbot. Ekodas opened the door, ushering the young Nadir woman into the room.

Dardalion rose and bowed. ‘Welcome, my dear. I am sorry that your visit to Drenai lands should have had so unsettling a beginning.’

‘Did I say it was unsettling?’ countered Shia, walking forward and scanning the study, her mocking gaze drifting over the burdened shelves and open cupboards stacked with scrolls, parchments and books.

‘Do you read?’ asked Dardalion.

She shook her head. ‘What would be the purpose?’

To understand our own needs and desires we must first understand the needs and desires of our ancestors.’

‘I do not see that as true,’ she answered. ‘The desires of our ancestors were obvious – that is why we are here. And those desires do not change, which is why we have children.’

‘You think that history can teach us nothing?’ asked Ekodas.

‘History can,’ she admitted, ‘but these are not history, they are merely writings. Are you the leader here?’ she asked, turning to Dardalion.

‘I am the Abbot. The priests you have seen are my disciples.’


‘He fights well,’ she said, smiling and pointing at Ekodas. ‘He should not be here among prayer-men.’

‘You use the term as an insult,’ accused Ekodas, blushing.

‘If you feel insulted by it, then that is what it must be,’ she told him.

Dardalion chuckled and moved around his desk. ‘You are welcome here, Shia, daughter of Nosta Vren. And in the morning we will direct you to your brother, Belash.’

Her dark eyes sparkled and she laughed. ‘Your powers do not surprise me, Silver-hair. I knew you were a mystic.’

‘How?’ enquired Ekodas.

Dardalion moved alongside the bewildered priest, laying a hand on the younger man’s arm. ‘How else would I know about the … unsettling, did I say? . . . attack,’ Dardalion told him. ‘You have a keen mind, Shia. And you are a brave woman.’

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Categories: David Gemmell