Waylander II by David A. Gemmell

‘You are a strange man, Waylander. Still, the dog likes you.’

He chuckled. ‘He’ll make a better friend than most men.’

‘Aye.’ The old woman fell silent, but her gaze remained on the black-garbed warrior. ‘I always liked you, child,’ she said softly. ‘You never feared me. I was sorry to hear of the death of your lady.’

He looked away. ‘Life moves on,’ he said.

‘Indeed it does. Morak will come again. He is no coward, but he likes to be sure. And Senta is even now approaching your cabin. What will you do?’

‘What do you think?’ he countered.

‘You’ll fight them until they kill you. Not the most subtle of plans, is it?’

‘I never was a man suited to subtlety.’

‘Nonsense. It’s just that you have always been a little in love with death. Perhaps it would help to know why they are hunting you?’

‘Does it matter?’

‘You won’t know unless I tell you!’ she snapped.

‘Then tell me.’

‘Karnak has a son, Bodalen. He is allied to the Brotherhood. He and some friends were riding near a village, south of Drenan. They saw a young woman gathering herbs. The men had been drinking, and she aroused their lust. They chased her. She turned and fought, breaking one man’s jaw. Then she ran. Bodalen followed her. As she fled she glanced back, lost her footing, and fell. She tumbled over the edge of a rock-face. Her neck was broken in the fall. Her husband came upon the scene. He was unarmed. The men killed him, leaving him by her body. You hear what I am saying?’

‘I hear, but I don’t know what it has to do with me,’ he answered.

“They were seen riding from the area and Bodalen was brought to trial. He was sentenced to a year in exile, and


Karnak paid a fortune in blood-geld to the dead man’s father.’

Waylander’s mouth was dry. ‘Where was the village?’


‘Are you saying he killed my Krylla!’ hissed Waylander.

‘Yes. Karnak found out that you were her guardian. He fears you will seek Bodalen. That is why the Guild hunt you.’

Waylander’s mind was reeling and his unfocused eyes stared into the darkness, memories flooding him with echoes of the past, Krylla and Miriel splashing in the stream by the cabin, laughing and squealing in the sunshine, Krylla’s tears when the pet goose died, her happiness when Nualin had proposed, the gaiety of the wedding and the dance that followed it. He saw her smiling face, the twin of Miriel, but with a mouth that smiled more easily and a manner that won over every heart. With great effort he forced the memories back and turned his now cold eyes on the witch woman’s image.

‘Why did you come here, Hewla?’ he asked icily.

‘I told you. I like you. Always have.’

‘That may or may not be true. But I ask again, why did you come?’

‘Hmm, I do so admire you, child. There is no fooling you, is there?’ Her malevolent eyes gleamed in the firelight. ‘Yes, there is more to this than just Bodalen.’

‘I did not doubt it.’

‘Have you heard of Zhu Chao?’

Waylander shook his head. ‘Nadir?’

‘No. Chiatze. He is a practitioner of the Dark Arts. No more than that, though he would no doubt describe himself as a wizard. He is young – not yet sixty, and still has the strength to summon demons to his bidding. He has rebuilt the Brotherhood, and – nominally, mark you! – serves the Gothir Emperor.’

‘And Bodalen?’

‘Karnak’s son reveres him. The Brotherhood is behind the coming wars. They have infiltrated many of the noble houses of Ventria, Gothir and Drenai. They seek to rule, and perhaps they will succeed – who knows?’


‘And you want me to kill Zhu Chao.’

‘Very astute. Yes, I want him dead.’

‘I am no longer an assassin, Hewla. If the man was threatening you then I would deal with him. But I will not hunt him down for you.’

‘But you will hunt Bodalen,’ she whispered.

‘Oh, yes. I will find him. And he will know justice.’

‘Good. You will find him with Zhu Chao,’ she said. ‘And if the little wizard should happen to step into the path of one of your bolts, so be it.’

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Categories: David Gemmell