Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

Wayne had dropped into the lab early that morning to check on his progress.

The beefy engineer grinned smugly and twirled his mustache when he saw Tom busily at work.

“I knew you were smart, Swift!” Wayne said. “Play along with me and I may even cut you in on my ruby setup!”

He left, promising to return that afternoon. The minute Wayne bolted the door, Bud took out a small rocket fuselage which he had hastily shoved under the workbench.

“Good thing he doesn’t suspect just how smart you are, skipper!” Bud said with a chuckle. He and Tom had been working frantically on the rocket all night long.

Hours later the rocket was completed. Tom quickly installed the atomic capsule and magnetic homing device inside. The memory drum was switched into “playback” circuit, and the master steering unit of the homing device was con-SURPRISE BLAST-OFF 173

nected to small servo controls. These would operate the steering jets of the miniature rocket.

“How about the note?” Bud said.

“Coming right up.” Tom hastily scribbled a note describing the method to be used in following the drone back to the mine. Then he screwed on the cover plate and the two boys mounted the rocket in a jerry-rigged launching rack. “Okay, Bud. Blast off!”

Bud pressed a switch button at the end of a cable.

Vroom! The rocket shot up the air shaft with a roar that shook the whole mine.

Angry shouts and cries followed. In a few seconds Wayne, Gursk, and two other armed men came bursting into the laboratory.

“Tough luck,” Tom greeted them apologetically. “This dumb pal of mine just ran the atomic pack at too high amperage and it blew up.” He waved at the evidence of an accidental blast which the boys had faked beforehand.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor