Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 19 – And His Triphibian Atomicar

When Mr. Swift, accompanied by Ned Newton, arrived home that evening, Tom said, “Dad, I think it’s a wonderful chance to help the Kabu-listanians. Also, it’s a chance to prove how free scientific know-how can benefit all humanity.”

“What’s your opinion, Ned?” Mr. Swift asked.

Mr. Newton frowned thoughtfully. “Our setup may be strained for time and men if that new rocket program comes through,” he said. “But I A CHALLENGING EXPEDITION 87

agree with Tom. This project is something we can’t afford to pass up.”

Mr. Swift’s blue eyes brightened. “Glad you think so, Ned, because I agree wholeheartedly,” he said. Turning back to Tom, he added more seriously, “This will be a terrific undertaking, son, and you’ll have to bear the brunt of it. But I’m confident you’ll do an A-l job.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Tom’s voice was quiet, but his heart was pounding.

“It’s settled, then,” his father concluded. “Ned, suppose you get in touch with Provard and see about drawing up a contract.”

The next two days were spent in feverish activity. As a first step, Tom had decided to make a quick survey trip to Kabulistan to familiarize himself with the country. Supplies were ordered and loaded aboard the Sky Queen. Besides Bud and Chow Winkler, Tom chose Arv Hanson, Hank Sterling, the blond, square-jawed chief patternmaking engineer of Enterprises, and a lanky Swift test pilot named Slim Davis to accompany him on the flight.

Taking off Wednesday morning, the Flying Lab streaked over the Atlantic Ocean to Europe and the Middle East into Iran, then across the central plateau and Eastern Persian Highlands to the rugged little land of Kabulistan.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor